static boolean |
AddNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Instance instance,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based
correctness) to add the given system parameter to the given node.
static boolean |
AddNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Instance instance,
int nodeId,
Node node,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check whether it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness) to add the
designated system parameter to the designated node.
static boolean |
AddNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to add the given
system parameter to the given node.
static boolean |
AddNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeId,
Node node,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check whether it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to add the designated system
parameter to the designated node.
protected static boolean |
AddSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Instance instance,
int producerNodeID,
SystemDataProducer systemDataType,
int consumerNodeID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based
correctness) to add a system data flow of the given type between the given
static boolean |
AddSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Instance instance,
int producerNodeID,
SystemDataProducer systemDataType,
int consumerNodeID,
String inputParameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based
correctness) to add a system data flow of the given type between the given
protected static boolean |
AddSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Template template,
int prodNodeId,
SystemDataProducer systemDataType,
int consNodeId,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to add a system
data flow of the given type between the given nodes.
static boolean |
AddSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Template template,
int producerNodeID,
SystemDataProducer systemDataType,
int consumerNodeID,
String inputParameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to add a
system data flow of the given type between the given nodes.
static boolean |
AssignEmptyEmbeddedSubprocess.isPossible(Instance instance,
int nodeID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the assignment of an empty embedded subprocess is valid
(concerning structural and state-based correctness) for the given instance.
static boolean |
AssignEmptyEmbeddedSubprocess.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the assignment of an empty embedded subprocess is valid
(concerning structural correctness) for the given template.
static boolean |
CopyNode.isPossible(ChangeableInstance sourceInstance,
Instance targetInstance,
int nodeToCopyID,
int predID,
int succID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state based correctness)
to copy the given node to the specified target position in the given
static boolean |
CopyNode.isPossible(Template sourceTemplate,
Template targetTemplate,
int nodeToCopyID,
int predID,
int succID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to copy the
given node to the specified target position in the given template.
static boolean |
CreateSurroundingBlock.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node first,
Node last,
ProcessConstants.BlockType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to create a block which surrounds the two given nodes in the given
static boolean |
CreateSurroundingBlock.isPossible(Template template,
Node first,
Node last,
ProcessConstants.BlockType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to create a
block which surrounds the two given nodes in the given template.
static boolean |
DeleteBorderNodes.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based
correctness) to delete start and end nodes of the current block in the
given instance.
static boolean |
DeleteBorderNodes.isPossible(Template template,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to delete
start and end nodes of the current block in the given template.
static boolean |
DeleteDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to delete the data edge between the given node and the data element.
static boolean |
DeleteDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to delete the
data edge between the given node and the data element.
static boolean |
DeleteDataElement.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport) |
checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness)
to delete the given data element from the instance If not, the reasons are
stored in the check report.
static boolean |
DeleteDataElement.isPossible(Template template,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to delete the
given data element from the template.
static boolean |
DeleteEmptyBranch.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to delete the given branch from the instance.
static boolean |
DeleteEmptyBranch.isPossible(Template template,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to delete the
given branch from the template.
static boolean |
DeleteNode.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid to delete the node (concerning structural and
state-based aspects) from the given instance.
static boolean |
DeleteNode.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid to delete the node (concerning structural aspects)
from the given template.
static boolean |
InsertBetweenNodeSets.isPossible(Instance instance,
List<Integer> preds,
List<Integer> succs,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state based correctness)
to insert a node which is executed after the nodes given in preds and
before the nodes given in succs in the given instance.
static boolean |
InsertBetweenNodeSets.isPossible(Template template,
List<Integer> preds,
List<Integer> succs,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert a
node which is executed after the nodes given in preds and before the nodes
given in succs in the given template.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
DataElement[] dataElements,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to insert data edges of the given type between the given node and the data
elements in the instance.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to insert a data edge of the given type between the given node and the data
element in the instance.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
String paramName,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to connect the parameter of the given node with the given data element via
a data edge of the given type in the instance.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
DataElement[] dataElements,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert
data edges of the given type between the given node and the data elements in
the template.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert a
data edge of the given type between the given node and the data element in
the template.
static boolean |
InsertDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
String paramName,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to connect the
parameter of the given node with the given data element via a data edge of
the given type in the template.
static boolean |
InsertDataElement.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state based correctness)
to insert a new data element given as a data element container object
(without an id) in the instance.
static boolean |
InsertDataElement.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible to insert a new data element (concerning structural
and state based correctness) in the instance.
static boolean |
InsertDataElement.isPossible(Template template,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural aspects) to insert a new
data element given as a data element container object (without an id) in
the template.
static boolean |
InsertDataElement.isPossible(Template template,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible to insert a new data element (concerning structural
aspects) to insert a new data element in the template.
static boolean |
InsertEmptyBlock.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based
correctness) to insert an empty block in the given instance.
static boolean |
InsertEmptyBlock.isPossible(Template template,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert an
empty block in the given template.
static boolean |
InsertEmptyBranch.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based
correctness) to insert an empty branch between split and join in the given
static boolean |
InsertEmptyBranch.isPossible(Template template,
Node split,
Node join,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert an
empty branch between split and join in the template.
static boolean |
InsertNode.isPossible(Instance instance,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state based correctness)
to insert a node between the two given nodes in the given instance.
static boolean |
InsertNode.isPossible(Template template,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to insert a
node between the two given nodes in the given template.
static boolean |
MoveNodes.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node first,
Node last,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural and state-based aspects) to
move the nodes between first and last to the position between pred and succ
in the given instance.
static boolean |
MoveNodes.isPossible(Template template,
Node first,
Node last,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural aspects) to move the nodes
between first and last to the position between pred and succ in the given
static boolean |
ReconnectDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
DataEdge dataEdge,
ProcessModelParameter param,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible to reconnect the given data edge (respectively the
connected data element) to the given parameter in the template.
static boolean |
ReconnectDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
DataEdge dataEdge,
ProcessModelParameter param,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible to reconnect the given data edge (respectively the
connected data element) to the given parameter in the template.
static boolean |
RemoveExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to remove/delete the EBP from the given node.
static boolean |
RemoveExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to remove/delete
the EBP from the given node in the given template.
static boolean |
RemoveNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Instance instance,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
String parameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based
correctness) to remove the given system parameter from the given node.
static boolean |
RemoveNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Instance inst,
int nodeId,
Node node,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
String paramName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Gets whether it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state-based correctness) to
remove the designated system parameter from the designated node.
static boolean |
RemoveNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
String parameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to remove the given
system parameter from the given node.
static boolean |
RemoveNodeSystemParameter.isPossible(Template templ,
int nodeId,
Node node,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
String paramName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Gets whether it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to remove the designated system
parameter from the designated node.
static boolean |
RemoveSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Instance instance,
int nodeID,
String inputParameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based
correctness) to remove the system data flow flow which is connected with
the given parameter.
static boolean |
RemoveSystemDataFlow.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
String inputParameterName,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to remove the
system data flow which is connected with the given parameter.
static boolean |
SwapDataElementParameterConnections.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID1,
DataEdge dataEdge1,
int dataElementID2,
DataEdge dataEdge2,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible to swap the parameter data element connections of
the given data edges in the given instance.
static boolean |
SwapDataElementParameterConnections.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID1,
DataEdge dataEdge1,
int dataElementID2,
DataEdge dataEdge2,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to swap the
parameter data element connections of the given data edges in the given
static boolean |
ToggleNodeVisibility.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeID,
boolean hidden,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid to change the visibility of a node in the given instance.
static boolean |
ToggleNodeVisibility.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
boolean hidden,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid to change the visibility of a node in the template.
static boolean |
ToggleSyncEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check, if a sync edge between the given nodes is possible (concerning
structural and state-based correctness)in the instance.
static boolean |
ToggleSyncEdge.isPossible(Template template,
Node pred,
Node succ,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Check, if a sync edge between the given nodes is possible (concerning
structural correctness) in the template.
static boolean |
UpdateDataEdge.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.DataEdgeProperty... dataEdgeProperties) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness)
for the data edge (described by the given node ID and the given data
element ID) to update the properties given by
dataEdgeProperties in the instance.
static boolean |
UpdateDataEdge.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.DataEdgeProperty... dataEdgeProperties) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) for the data edge
(described by the given node ID and the given data element ID) to update
the properties given by dataEdgeProperties in the template.
static boolean |
UpdateDataElement.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.DataElementProperty... dataElementProperties) |
Tests if it is valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness) to
change the data element properties given by
dataElementProperties in the instance.
static boolean |
UpdateDataElement.isPossible(Template template,
DataElement dataElement,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.DataElementProperty... dataElementProperties) |
Tests if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to change the data
element properties given by dataElementProperties in the
static boolean |
UpdateExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeID,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty... ebpProperties) |
Tests if it is valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness) to
change the executable business process properties given by
ebpProperties in the instance.
static boolean |
UpdateExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossible(Template template,
int nodeID,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty... ebpProperties) |
Tests if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to change the
executable business process properties given by ebpProperties
in the template.
static boolean |
UpdateInstance.isPossible(Instance instance,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.InstanceProperty... instanceProperties) |
TODO change instance to instance id if we have a process repository Checks
if it is valid for the given instance to update the properties given by
Properties .
static boolean |
UpdateNode.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty... nodeProperties) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness)
for the given node to update the properties given by
nodeProperties in the instance.
static boolean |
UpdateNode.isPossible(Template template,
Node node,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty... nodeProperties) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) for the given
node to update the properties given by nodeProperties in the
static boolean |
UpdateNodeSystemDependency.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node tempNode,
Map<String,Dependency> paramBindings,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness)
for that property of the given container node which is referenced by the node property
nodeProperty in the related template.
protected static boolean |
UpdateNodeSystemDependency.isPossible(Template templ,
ChangeableInstance inst,
Node tempNode,
Map<String,Dependency> bindings,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProp,
CheckReport cr) |
Gets whether updating the node system dependencies is possible for the designated template or
the designated instance.
static boolean |
UpdateNodeSystemDependency.isPossible(Template template,
Node tempNode,
Map<String,Dependency> paramBindings,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural correctness) for that property
of the given container node which is referenced by the node property nodeProperty
in the related template.
static boolean |
UpdatePluginDataContainer.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
PluginDataContainer pluginContainer,
String extensionPointID,
String pluginDataID,
PluginData pluginData,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness and state-based
correctness) to update (add / remove) the plug in data for the
Extension-Point given by extensionPoint with the value given
by pluginData in the plug in data container given by
pluginContainer .
static boolean |
UpdatePluginDataContainer.isPossible(Template template,
PluginDataContainer pluginContainer,
String extensionPointID,
String pluginDataID,
PluginData pluginData,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to update (add /
remove) the plug in data for the Extension-Point given by
extensionPoint with the value given by
pluginData in the plug in data container given by
pluginContainer .
static boolean |
UpdateTemplate.isPossible(UUID templateID,
CheckReport checkReport,
ProcessConstants.TemplateProperty... templateProperties) |
Checks if it is valid for the template with the given id to update the
properties given by Properties .
static boolean |
UpdateUserAttribute.isPossible(ChangeableInstance instance,
UserAttributeContainer attributeContainer,
String name,
String value,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness)
to update the user attribute of UserAttributeContainer given by
name with the value given by value in the
static boolean |
UpdateUserAttribute.isPossible(Template template,
UserAttributeContainer attributeContainer,
String name,
String value,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if it is valid (concerning structural correctness) to update the
user attribute of UserAttributeContainer given by name with
the value given by value in the template.
static boolean |
AssignExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossibleId(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node node,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,ProcessConstants.DataMappingType>> paramsWithoutExistingDataElements,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,Integer>> paramsWithExistingDataElements,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the assignment of the EBP - especially the mappings in the given
maps - are valid (concerning structural and state-based correctness) for
the given instance.
static boolean |
AssignExecutableBusinessProcess.isPossibleId(Template template,
Node node,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,ProcessConstants.DataMappingType>> paramsWithoutExistingDataElements,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,Integer>> paramsWithExistingDataElements,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the assignment of the EBP - especially the mappings in the given
maps - are valid (concerning structural correctness) for the given
static boolean |
MoveNodes.isValidMoveBlock(ChangeableInstance instance,
Node first,
Node last,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the block given by first and last is valid (concerning structural
and state-based aspects) for a move operation on the given instance.
static boolean |
MoveNodes.isValidMoveBlock(Template template,
Node first,
Node last,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the block given by first and last is valid (concerning structural
aspects) for a move operation on the given template.
static boolean |
CopyNode.isValidNodeToCopy(ChangeableInstance instance,
int nodeToCopyID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the given node is a node which can be copied (concerning
structural and state-based aspects) in the given instance.
static boolean |
CopyNode.isValidNodeToCopy(Template template,
int nodeToCopyID,
CheckReport checkReport) |
Checks if the given node is a node which can be copied (concerning
structural aspects) in the given template.