Class ChangeReport

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ChangeReport
    extends CheckReport
    A ChangeReport provides a CheckReport together with the old and the new ID of the instance and the new changeable instance object. The new instance ID and the new instance will be null in case the instance cannot be changed due to problems. Refer to the report for more information.
    Ulrich Kreher
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • newInstanceID

        public UUID newInstanceID
        The new ID of the changed instance if the change has been successful, otherwise null.
      • newInstance

        public ChangeableInstance newInstance
        The new changed instance if the change has been successful, otherwise null.
      • oldInstanceID

        public final UUID oldInstanceID
        The old ID of the changed instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeReport

        public ChangeReport​(URI baseURI,
                            UUID oldInstanceID)
        Sets up a change report which is a check report providing the old and the new ID of the changed instance. The new ID will only be provided if the change has been successfully integrated.
        baseURI - The process element identifier URI of the instance this check report is assigned to.
        oldInstanceID - The old ID of the instance.
      • ChangeReport

        public ChangeReport​(URI baseUri,
                            UUID oldInstanceId,
                            Locale locale)
        Sets up a change report which is a check report providing the old and the new ID of the changed instance. The new ID will only be provided if the change has been successfully integrated.
        baseUri - The process element identifier URI of the instance this check report is assigned to.
        oldInstanceId - The old ID of the instance.
        locale - The preferred locale to be used for messages of this check report.
    • Method Detail

      • setNewInstanceID

        public final void setNewInstanceID​(UUID newInstanceID)
        Sets the new ID of the instance. This will only be called if the change has been successful. The ID is only set once.
        newInstanceID - The new ID of the instance.
      • setNewInstance

        public final void setNewInstance​(ChangeableInstance newInstance)
        Sets the new instance. This will only be called if the change has been successful. The newInstance is only set once.
        newInstance - The new changeablInstance.