Class UpdateNodeSystemDependency

  • public class UpdateNodeSystemDependency
    extends Object
    Change Operation to update (add/remove) the system parameters referenced by the node property. If the binding contains system data producers the change operation also updates the system data flow. Call isPossible first to check if the update is valid, than call perform operation to execute the change. TODO Refactor; use a common interface for change operations.
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected static final Logger logger
        a Logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpdateNodeSystemDependency

        public UpdateNodeSystemDependency()
    • Method Detail

      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Template template,
                                         Node tempNode,
                                         Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                         ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty)
        Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural correctness) for that property of the given container node which is referenced by the node property nodeProperty in the related template. If the binding contains system data producers it is also checked if the corresponding system data flow can be updated. The following attributes / properties may be updated and must therefore be tested (all others cause an illegal argument exception):
        • NAME
        template - the template where the method is performed on
        tempNode - a temporary node container which holds the information referenced by the node property
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - the property which should be changed
        true if the change of the given property is valid
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Template template,
                                         Node tempNode,
                                         Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                         ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
                                         CheckReport checkReport)
        Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural correctness) for that property of the given container node which is referenced by the node property nodeProperty in the related template. If the binding contains system data producers it is also checked if the corresponding system data flow can be updated. The following attributes / properties may be updated and must therefore be tested:
        • NAME
        Calling isPossible with other properties stores an error in the checkReport.
        template - the template where the method is performed on
        tempNode - a temporary node container which holds the information referenced by the node property
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - the property which should be changed
        checkReport - a checkReport object which can be filled with the reason why the isPossible failed (i.e. in the case the method returns false), may be null
        true if the change of the given properties are valid
      • isPossible

        protected static boolean isPossible​(Template templ,
                                            ChangeableInstance inst,
                                            Node tempNode,
                                            Map<String,​Dependency> bindings,
                                            ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProp,
                                            CheckReport cr)
        Gets whether updating the node system dependencies is possible for the designated template or the designated instance. This is only possible for system-data consuming properties. The designated binding has to be valid. All unnecessary system dependencies need to be removable (RemoveNodeSystemParameter and RemoveSystemDataFlow) and other changed system dependencies need to be updateable.
        templ - The template which to update. This may be the template of the designated instance. This must not be null.
        inst - The instance if updating the node system dependencies is an instance-specific change, null for changing a template.
        tempNode - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        bindings - The new parameter bindings for the designated node.
        nodeProp - The property of the designated node which should be changed.
        cr - An optional CheckReport to be filled with detailed information on why the change operation is not possible. This may be null.
        Whether updating the node system dependencies according to the designated parameters is possible.
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(ChangeableInstance instance,
                                         Node tempNode,
                                         Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                         ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty)
        Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness) for that property of the given container node which is referenced by the node property nodeProperty in the related template. If the binding contains system data producers it is also checked if the corresponding system data flow can be updated. The following attributes / properties may be updated and must therefore be tested (all others cause an illegal argument exception):
        • NAME
        instance - the changeable instance where the method is performed on
        tempNode - a temporary node container which holds the information referenced by the node property
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - the property which should be changed
        true if the change of the given properties are valid
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(ChangeableInstance instance,
                                         Node tempNode,
                                         Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                         ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
                                         CheckReport checkReport)
        Checks if the parameter binding is valid (concerning structural and state based correctness) for that property of the given container node which is referenced by the node property nodeProperty in the related template. If the binding contains system data producers it is also checked if the corresponding system data flow can be updated. The following attributes / properties may be updated and must therefore be tested:
        • NAME
        Calling isPossible with other properties stores an error in the checkReport.
        instance - the changeable instance where the method is performed on
        tempNode - a temporary node container which holds the information referenced by the node property
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - the property which should be changed
        checkReport - a checkReport object which can be filled with the reason why the isPossible failed (i.e. in the case the method returns false), may be null
        true if the change of the given properties are valid
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableTemplate template,
                                            Node node,
                                            Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                            ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty)
        Updates the system parameters of a node object in the given template using the data in the given node. The given node is just used as a temporary container for the new values. The property specifies which attribute of the node will be updated. Since this can cause side effects in the system data flow, the parameter binding is used to update the system data flow. The following properties may be updated from the given object:
        • NAME
        Calling this method with other properties throws an IllegalArgumentException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        template - the related template
        node - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - Possible values of NodeProperty are described above.
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableTemplate template,
                                            Node node,
                                            Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                            ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
                                            UpdateManager updateManager)
        Updates the system parameters of a node object in the given template using the data in the given node. The given node is just used as a temporary container for the new values. The property specifies which attribute of the node will be updated (Operation with updateManager). Since this can cause side effects in the system data flow, the parameter binding is used to update the system data flow. The following properties may be updated from the given object:
        • NAME
        Calling this method with other properties throws an IllegalArgumentException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        template - the related template
        node - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - possible values of NodeProperty are described above.
        updateManager - The update manager which will be informed about process changes.
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableInstance instance,
                                            Node node,
                                            Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                            ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty)
        Updates the system parameters of a node object in the given template using the data in the given node. The given node is just used as a temporary container for the new values. The property specifies which attribute of the node will be updated (Operation with updateManager). Since this can cause side effects in the system data flow, the parameter binding is used to update the system data flow. The following properties may be updated from the given object:
        • NAME
        Calling this method with other properties throws an IllegalArgumentException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        instance - the related changeable instance
        node - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - possible values of NodeProperty are described above.
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableInstance instance,
                                            Node node,
                                            Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                            ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
                                            UpdateManager updateManager)
        Updates the system parameters of a node object in the given template using the data in the given node. The given node is just used as a temporary container for the new values. The property specifies which attribute of the node will be updated (Operation with updateManager). Since this can cause side effects in the system data flow, the parameter binding is used to update the system data flow. The following properties may be updated from the given object:
        • NAME
        Calling this method with other properties throws an IllegalArgumentException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        instance - the related changeable instance
        node - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - possible values of NodeProperty are described above.
        updateManager - The update manager which will be informed about process changes.
      • performOperation

        protected static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                               ChangeableTemplate cTempl,
                                               ChangeableInstance inst,
                                               Node node,
                                               Map<String,​Dependency> paramBindings,
                                               ProcessConstants.NodeProperty nodeProperty,
                                               UpdateManager updateManager)
        Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates and changeable instances.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        cTempl - The template to be changed or null in case the designated instance should be changed.
        inst - The instance to be changed or null in case the designated template should be changed.
        node - The node of which the system dependencies should be updated. This is an adapted node with the designated property changed as it should be after updating the dependency.
        paramBindings - a map between parameter name and dependency
        nodeProperty - possible values of NodeProperty are described above.
        updateManager - The update manager which will be informed about process changes.