Annotation Type SystemDataConsumer

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public @interface SystemDataConsumer
    This annotation marks a method of the processmodel (with no arguments and return type String) to be able to read a system data element via a node parameter. The returned string contains variables (and their corresponding declarations) which lead to a node parameter at modelling time. At runtime this is replaced by the value of the corresponding node parameter.

    For PluginData this annotation is also placed at a method of a plugin viewer interface. In this case the annotation does not refer to the return value directly but to the underlying string-representation of the value (Attribute).

    Variables are surrounded and declared by the character %. Only the types INTEGER, FLOAT and STRING (cf. ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType) for variables are supported. In the declaration the symbols i or I (for INTEGER), f or F (for FLOAT) and s or S (for STRING) are used. For instance %i:var1% declares the variable var1 of type INTEGER. Please note that there are no spaces between the type and the name of the variable. The variable name may contain any character, although each % must be escaped (i.e. typed twice).

    The class SystemDataTools provides some tool methods.

    Ulrich Kreher
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      Class<? extends SystemDataFormatter> formatter
      The formatter class responsible for replacing parameter references with their actual values.
    • Element Detail

      • formatter

        Class<? extends SystemDataFormatter> formatter
        The formatter class responsible for replacing parameter references with their actual values.
        formatter class responsible for replacing parameter references with their actual values