Class RemoveSystemDataFlow

  • public class RemoveSystemDataFlow
    extends Object
    Change operation for removing a system data flow. Call isPossible first to check if the operation is valid, than call perform operation to execute the change. TODO Refactor; use a common interface for change operations.
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected static final Logger logger
        a Logger
    • Constructor Detail

      • RemoveSystemDataFlow

        public RemoveSystemDataFlow()
    • Method Detail

      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Template template,
                                         int nodeID,
                                         String inputParameterName)
        Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to remove the system data flow flow which is connected with the given parameter.
        template - The corresponding template
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        True, if possible.
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Template template,
                                         int nodeID,
                                         String inputParameterName,
                                         CheckReport checkReport)
        Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness) to remove the system data flow which is connected with the given parameter. If it is not possible the reasons are stored in the checkReport.
        template - The corresponding template
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        checkReport - a checkReport object which can be filled with the reason why the isPossible failed (i.e. in the case the method returns false), may be null
        True, if possible.
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Instance instance,
                                         int nodeID,
                                         String inputParameterName)
        Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based correctness) to remove the system data flow flow which is connected with the given parameter.
        instance - The corresponding instance
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        True, if possible.
      • isPossible

        public static boolean isPossible​(Instance instance,
                                         int nodeID,
                                         String inputParameterName,
                                         CheckReport checkReport)
        Check if it is possible (concerning structural correctness and state based correctness) to remove the system data flow flow which is connected with the given parameter.
        instance - The corresponding instance
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        checkReport - a checkReport object which can be filled with the reason why the isPossible failed (i.e. in the case the method returns false), may be null
        True, if possible.
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableTemplate template,
                                            int nodeID,
                                            String inputParameterName)
        Remove the system data flow which is connected with the given parameter.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        template - The related changeable template.
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableTemplate template,
                                            int nodeID,
                                            String inputParameterName,
                                            UpdateManager updateManager)
        Remove the system data flow which is connected with the given parameter. (Operation with updateManager)
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        template - The related changeable template.
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        updateManager - The UpdateManager where modifications are logged, may be null
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableInstance instance,
                                            int nodeID,
                                            String inputParameterName)
        Remove the system data flow which is connected with the given parameter in the given instance.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        instance - The related changeable instance.
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
      • performOperation

        public static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                            ChangeableInstance instance,
                                            int nodeID,
                                            String inputParameterName,
                                            UpdateManager updateManager)
        Remove the system data flow which is connected with the given parameter in the given instance. (Operation with updateManager)
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        instance - The related changeable instance.
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        updateManager - the manager which is responsible for the graphical adaptation of the template (maybe null)
      • performOperation

        protected static void performOperation​(SessionToken session,
                                               ChangePrimitives processGraph,
                                               int nodeID,
                                               String inputParameterName,
                                               UpdateManager updateManager)
        Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates and changeable instances.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        processGraph - an instance of type ChangeableTemplate or ChangeableInstance
        nodeID - the node which contains the system parameter.
        inputParameterName - the name of the parameter which must exist in the the consumer node
        updateManager - the manager which is responsible for the graphical adaptation of the template (maybe null)