Interface ExecutableBusinessProcess

    • Method Detail

      • getType

        EBPType getType()
        Gets the type of the executable business process, for instance an activity or a subprocess.
        The type of the executable business process, for instance an activity or a subprocess.
      • getExecutionControlProperties

        ExecutionControlProperties getExecutionControlProperties()
        Gets the interactions that this executable business process supports for controlling its execution, that is whether it responds to signals from the outside to suspend, reset or close it.
        The interactions that this executable business process supports for controlling its execution, that is whether it responds to signals from the outside to suspend, reset or close it.
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration()
        Gets the configuration of this executable business. All mandatory configuration entries need to have an appropriate value.
        The configuration values set for this executable business process providing all values for all mandatory entries.
      • getTestConfiguration

        Configuration getTestConfiguration()
        Gets the (stand-alone) test configuration of this executable business process. These configuration values only apply when the EBP is executed in test mode, that is the operation is provided this configuration instead of the normal configuration. This test configuration is already merged with the normal (merged) configuration. Note that the test configuration allows to override fixed values of the normal configuration.
        The configuration values set for the test mode of the operation of this executable business process providing all values for all mandatory entries. This will also contain the values of the normal (merged) configuration.
      • getParameter

        ProcessModelParameter getParameter​(String name,
                                           ActivityConstants.AccessType accessType)
        Returns the parameter object linked to the passed parameter name. The parameter name is the symbolic name by which an application component can retrieve a data value from the data context of the process management system.
        name - The name of the parameter.
        accessType - The access type of the parameter. Only values in ActivityConstants.AccessType.activityRelatedValues() are allowed!
        The corresponding parameter object or null in case no parameter of the designated name exists for the designated access type.
      • getParameters

        Set<ProcessModelParameter> getParameters​(ActivityConstants.AccessType accessType)
        Gets the parameters of the designated access type of the operation or subprocess this executable business process represents. These parameters make up the interface of the operation or subprocess. Parameters have a unique name with respect to the corresponding AccessType.
        accessType - The access type of the parameters to be retrieved. For activities only values in ActivityConstants.AccessType.activityRelatedValues() are allowed. Subprocesses do not have restrictions on the access type.
        The parameters of the operation or subprocess of this executable business process for the designated access type. If it does not have parameters of the designated type, an empty set will be returned.