Class LWPActivityReference

    • Constructor Detail

      • LWPActivityReference

        public LWPActivityReference​(UUID instanceId,
                                    UUID instanceLogId,
                                    UUID baseTemplateId,
                                    int nodeId,
                                    int iteration,
                                    URI[] executionManagerUris,
                                    URI[] runtimeManagerUris,
                                    ExecutionControlProperties executionControlProperties,
                                    Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-LWPs.
        instanceId - The (logical) ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        instanceLogId - The (unchangeable) log ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        baseTemplateId -
        nodeId - The ID of the corresponding node.
        iteration - The current iteration of the node.
        executionManagerUris - The URI of the execution manager responsible for the corresponding process instance.
        runtimeManagerUris - The URI of the RuntimeManager used for executing the referenced EBP-Instance or null in case it is yet unknown.
        executionControlProperties - The execution control properties as defined for the corresponding ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance.
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.
      • LWPActivityReference

        public LWPActivityReference​(UUID instanceId,
                                    UUID instanceLogId,
                                    UUID baseTemplateId,
                                    int nodeId,
                                    int iteration,
                                    URI[] executionManagerUris,
                                    ExecutionControlProperties executionControlProperties,
                                    Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-LWPs with no runtime manager set.
        instanceId - The (logical) ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        instanceLogId - The (unchangeable) log ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        baseTemplateId -
        nodeId - The ID of the corresponding node.
        iteration - The current iteration of the node.
        executionManagerUris - The URI of the execution manager responsible for the corresponding process instance.
        executionControlProperties - The execution control properties as defined for the corresponding ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance.
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.
      • LWPActivityReference

        public LWPActivityReference​(EBPInstanceReference ebpInstanceReference,
                                    LightWeightProcessInstance lwpInstance,
                                    Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-LWPs based on the designated EBP-Instance-Reference.
        ebpInstanceReference - The reference to the corresponding EBP containing all information on identifying the EBP in the process context, for instance, instance ID, node ID and node iteration.
        lwpInstance - The corresponding instance of the lightweight process containing the (resolved) node and activity names, descriptions and further meta-information of the activity, for instance, ExecutionControlProperties.
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.