Class ADEPT2EBPReference

    • Constructor Detail

      • ADEPT2EBPReference

        public ADEPT2EBPReference​(EBPType type,
                                  UUID instanceId,
                                  UUID instanceLogId,
                                  UUID baseTemplateId,
                                  int nodeId,
                                  int iteration,
                                  URI[] executionManagerUris,
                                  URI[] runtimeManagerUris,
                                  ExecutionControlProperties executionControlProperties,
                                  String activityReferenceType,
                                  Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-EBPs.
        type - The type of the activity reference.
        instanceId - The ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        instanceLogId - The log ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        baseTemplateId - The ID of the instance's base template.
        nodeId - The ID of the corresponding node.
        iteration - The current iteration of the node.
        executionManagerUris - The URI of the execution manager responsible for the corresponding process instance.
        runtimeManagerUris - The URI of the RuntimeManager used for executing the referenced EBP-Instance or null in case it is yet unknown.
        executionControlProperties - The execution control properties as defined for the corresponding ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance.
        activityReferenceType - The type of the reference (activity or LWP).
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.
      • ADEPT2EBPReference

        public ADEPT2EBPReference​(EBPType type,
                                  UUID instanceId,
                                  UUID instanceLogId,
                                  UUID baseTemplateId,
                                  int nodeId,
                                  int iteration,
                                  URI[] executionManagerUris,
                                  ExecutionControlProperties executionControlProperties,
                                  String activityReferenceType,
                                  Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-EBPs with no runtime manager set.
        type - The type of the activity reference.
        instanceId - The ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        instanceLogId - The log ID of the ADEPT2 process instance.
        baseTemplateId - The ID of the instance's base template.
        nodeId - The ID of the corresponding node.
        iteration - The current iteration of the node.
        executionManagerUris - The URI of the execution manager responsible for the corresponding process instance.
        executionControlProperties - The execution control properties as defined for the corresponding ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance.
        activityReferenceType - The type of the reference (activity or LWP).
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.
      • ADEPT2EBPReference

        public ADEPT2EBPReference​(EBPInstanceReference ebpIR,
                                  ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance ebpInstance,
                                  String activityReferenceType,
                                  Map<String,​String> userAttributes)
        Creates a new activity reference object for ADEPT2-EBPs based on the designated EBP-Instance-Reference.
        ebpIR - The reference to the corresponding EBP containing all information on identifying the EBP in the process context, for instance, instance ID, node ID and node iteration.
        ebpInstance - The corresponding EBP-instance containing the activity type ID and the execution control properties.
        activityReferenceType - The type of the reference (activity or LWP).
        userAttributes - The user attributes of this reference.
    • Method Detail

      • getNodeIteration

        public int getNodeIteration()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Returns the iteration count of the node this EBPInstanceReference references.
        Specified by:
        getNodeIteration in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The iteration count of the node.
      • getNodeID

        public int getNodeID()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Returns the ID of the node of the process graph which contains the activity or which houses the sub-process. In case of a reference for a top-level instance, this will be Integer.MIN_VALUE.
        Specified by:
        getNodeID in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The ID of the process node containing the activity or sub-process.
      • getInstanceID

        public UUID getInstanceID()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Returns the ID of the process instance the activity belongs to, the corresponding super-process instance or the instance itself in case of a reference to a top-level instance.
        Specified by:
        getInstanceID in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The ID of the corresponding process instance.
      • getBaseTemplateID

        public UUID getBaseTemplateID()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Gets the ID of the unmodified template of the corresponding process instance.
        Specified by:
        getBaseTemplateID in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The ID of the unmodified template of the corresponding process instance.
      • getType

        public EBPType getType()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Gets the type of the executable business process, for instance an activity or a subprocess.
        Specified by:
        getType in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The type of the executable business process, for instance an activity or a subprocess.
      • getExecutionManagerURIs

        public URI[] getExecutionManagerURIs()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Returns the communication protocol depended URIs of the execution manager which executes the referenced EBP-instance.
        Specified by:
        getExecutionManagerURIs in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The URIs of the execution manager responsible for the referenced EBP-instance.
      • getRuntimeManagerURIs

        public URI[] getRuntimeManagerURIs()
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Returns the communication protocol depended URIs of the runtime manager instance which is used for executing the referenced EBP-instance. This reference is only valid after the EBP-instance has been started. Before this method will return null.
        These URIs have to be set by the worklist when starting the corresponding entry.
        Specified by:
        getRuntimeManagerURIs in interface EBPInstanceReference
        The communication protocol depended URIs of the runtime manager responsible for starting the referenced EBP-Instance or null if the EBP-Instance has not been started yet.
      • setRuntimeManagerURIs

        public void setRuntimeManagerURIs​(URI[] runtimeManagerURI)
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        Sets the communication protocol depended URIs of the RuntimeManager which is used for executing the referenced EBP-instance.

        Note: This method should only be called from the worklist (e.g. on the client side).

        Specified by:
        setRuntimeManagerURIs in interface EBPInstanceReference
        runtimeManagerURI - the URIs assigned to the appropriate RuntimeManager instance.
      • getExecutionControlProperties

        public ExecutionControlProperties getExecutionControlProperties()
        Returns the execution control properties that reflect the abilities of the executable business process instance of this worklist item.
        The execution control properties of the EBP instance of this worklist item.
      • getExecutableComponentName

        public abstract String getExecutableComponentName()
        Gets the name of the executable component of the underlying activity in case this is an activity. Otherwise null will be returned.
        The name of the executable component of the underlying activity if this is an activity, otherwise null.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object otherObject)
        Description copied from interface: EBPInstanceReference
        EBPInstanceReferences are equal in case they reference the same executable business process, therefore Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() have to be overridden.
        Specified by:
        equals in interface EBPInstanceReference
        equals in class Object
        otherObject - An instance of another object to compare this EBPInstanceReference with.
        True, if this instance references the same instance of an executable business process as the designated object.
        See Also:
        Object.equals(Object), Object.hashCode()
      • getChangedProperties

        public Set<ChangedProperty<? extends Serializable>> getChangedProperties​(boolean reset)
        Description copied from interface: PropertyTracker
        Gets all (types of) properties that have been changed since creation of the corresponding/implementing object or last resetting of the change tracking and resets the tracking afterwards if appropriate.
        The returned set is always a snapshot of the current state.
        Specified by:
        getChangedProperties in interface PropertyTracker
        reset - Whether to clear the changes.
        All (types of) properties that have been changed since creation of this item or resetting the tracking and resets the tracking afterwards if appropriate.