Interface AbstractActivity

  • All Superinterfaces:
    PluginDataContainer, UserAttributeContainer
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    Activity, ActivityInstance, ActivityTemplate, BuildtimeActivity, DecisionActivity, DecisionActivityInstance

    public interface AbstractActivity
    extends PluginDataContainer, UserAttributeContainer
    An AbstractActivity unifies the similarities of activities (used in the process model), activity templates (intermediate objects for transferring the necessary information from the activity model to the process model), activity template definitions (the corresponding objects in the activity model) and activity instances (the objects that are finally executed). This allows for easier implementation of checks based on these objects. However, the semantic of the attributes may slightly differ especially for the ActivityTemplateDefintion since all other activity objects stem from such an activity template definition. Refer to the documentation of the corresponding interface for further information.
    Ulrich Kreher
    • Method Detail

      • getID

        UUID getID()
        Gets the (world-wide) unique ID of the ActivityTemplateDefinition this abstract activity is based upon. This changes with every revision and thus allows to identify a revision since the normal revision does not suffice to identify an ActivityTemplateDefinition since two different activity models usually go through the very same revisions but with different changes.
        The (world-wide) unique ID (including the revision) of the ActivityTemplateDefinition this abstract activity is based upon.
      • getExecutableComponentName

        String getExecutableComponentName()
        Gets the system-wide unique name of the ExecutableComponentDescription this abstract activity is based upon.
        The system-wide unique name of the ExecutableComponentDescription this abstract activity is based upon which also identifies the configurations that apply at runtime
      • getOperationName

        String getOperationName()
        Gets the name of the operation (unique with respect to the ExecutableComponentDescription) this abstract activity belongs to. This name is used in configurations that apply at runtime for operation-specific configurations. Therefore one may have configuration values for executable components as well as operations.
        The name of the operation (unique with respect to the ExecutableComponentDescription) this abstract activity is based upon.
      • getConfigurationName

        String getConfigurationName()
        Gets the name of the configuration set (in the activity model) or the configuration namespace (for the global and local runtime configurations) or null if this abstract activity does not have a configuration set/namespace.
        The name of the configuration set or configuration namespace or null if this abstract activity does not have a configuration set/namespace.
      • getActivityName

        String getActivityName()
        Gets the name of this abstract activity. This name is used as default name for the corresponding process node which in turn is used in worklists to allow the end user to identify the corresponding worklist item.
        The name of this abstract activity.
      • getDescription

        String getDescription()
        Gets a description for this abstract activity for usage in the process model. This description is used as default description for the corresponding process node which in turn is used in worklists to allow the end user to identify the corresponding worklist item.
        A description for this abstract activity for usage in the process model that may be displayed in worklists.
      • getImplementationClass

        String getImplementationClass()
        Gets the name of the class implementing ExecutableComponent which is called when the process node is executed for which this abstract activity is for. The classpath needs to be set appropriately.
        An implementation class is not required for with the runtime service, therefore for such activities null may be exceptionally returned.
        The name of the class implementing ExecutableComponent which is called when the process node is executed for which this abstract activity is for. This may exceptionally be null for activities that are only to be executed with the runtime service.
      • getClassPath

        List<String> getClassPath()
        Gets the classpath to be used when instantiating the implementation class for this abstract activity as well as all classes needed to execute all of its methods.
        The classpath contains all classpaths of the corresponding activity model branch whereas the classpath of child entities prepends the one of parent entities. The usual classpaths (directories, jar-files, URLs) as well as references to the resource manager are supported.
        The classpath may be supplemented by the configurations that apply at runtime.

        This is only relevant for ClassLoaderUsage.NON_SHARED and ClassLoaderUsage.SHARE_ACTIVITY_INSTANCES.

        A list of entries for the classpath to search for classes used at runtime. The order is important: Prior entries are used first; they are provided by child entities of the corresponding activity model branch.
      • getClassLoaderUsage

        ClassLoaderUsage getClassLoaderUsage()
        Gets what classloader to use for execution of this activity. This may be a specific classloader for each execution, a shared classloader for all executions of the very same activity on the same runtime manager and the classloader of the AristaFlow platform.
        When using the AristaFlow platform classloader getClassPath() will be ignored. That is, the activity may not have additional classpaths; all classes need to be available in the platform classloader.
        What classloader to use for execution of this activity; one for each execution, shared for all executions of the same activity or the classloader of the AristaFlow platform.
      • getSystemComponent

        byte[] getSystemComponent()
        Gets the signature in case the executable component of this abstract activity is privileged component and may access system services. Such an executable component receives a registry in the constructor and may use this to retrieve the needed services.
        The system component signature allows to verify the component. Null indicates a non-system component.
        A signature to verify the component to prevent harmful components from system access or null for non-system components.
      • getGUIContextID

        String getGUIContextID()
        Gets the ID of the GUI context the executable component of this abstract activity needs, for instance, an SWT or an AWT context. This is provided at runtime and allows the component to render its graphical user interface to.
        The ID of the GUI context the executable component of this abstract activity needs to render its graphical user interface to. This will be GUIConstants.NULL_CONTEXT if no GUI context is required.
      • getExecutionControlProperties

        ExecutionControlProperties getExecutionControlProperties()
        Gets the interactions that the executable component of this abstract activity supports for controlling its execution, that is whether the component responds to signals from the outside to suspend, reset or close the component.
        The interactions that the executable component of this abstract activity supports for controlling its execution, that is whether the component responds to signals from the outside to suspend, reset or close the component.
      • supportsViewOnly

        boolean supportsViewOnly()
        Gets whether the operation of this abstract activity supports a view only mode. In this mode the operation is executed normally but all of its output parameters are provided very similar to input parameters. The operation should then just display its input and output values. This allows to reproduce the execution of an operation later and thus improves traceability of a process. Since the operation must not write output, this mode has to be explicitly supported.
        Whether the operation of this abstract activity supports a view only mode to re-execute the operation only for displaying input data as well as the formerly written output data.
        See Also:
      • getIconID

        UUID getIconID()
        Gets the ID of the icon to use for process steps and worklist items of the underlying executable component. With the ID the corresponding item can be requested from an icon providing service in various sizes and formats.
        The ID of the icon to use for process steps and worklist items; the corresponding icon may be retrieved in various sizes and formats. This may be null if no icon is specified.
      • getConfiguration

        ActivityConfiguration getConfiguration()
        Gets the configuration of this abstract activity. These configuration values may also be provided via an input parameter (which has to exist then) or from a process configuration.
        Whether all of the configuration values are really set here, depends on the more special interface of this abstract activity. For instance, in the activity model, not all need to be set, while an activity instance does have all configuration values.
        The configuration values set for this activity template based on the configuration description.
      • getParameters

        Set<? extends Parameter> getParameters​(ActivityConstants.AccessType accessType)
        Gets the parameters of the designated access type of the operation of this abstract activity. These make up the interface of the operation. Parameters have a unique name with respect to the corresponding AccessType.
        accessType - The access type of the parameters to be retrieved (only values in ActivityConstants.AccessType.activityRelatedValues() are allowed).
        The parameters of the operation of this abstract activity for the designated access type. If the operation does not have parameters of the designated type, an empty collection will be returned.
      • getParameter

        Parameter getParameter​(String name,
                               ActivityConstants.AccessType accessType)
        Gets the parameter object linked to the passed parameter name. The parameter name is the symbolic name by which an application component can retrieve a data value from the data context of the process management system.
        name - The name of the parameter.
        accessType - The access type of the parameter. Only values in ActivityConstants.AccessType.activityRelatedValues() are allowed!
        The corresponding parameter object or null in case no parameter of the designated name exists for the designated access type.
      • getAttributeOrigins

        Map<ActivityConstants.LocallyOverrideableActivityAttribute,​ActivityConstants.ActivityModelEntityType> getAttributeOrigins()
        Gets the origins, that is the activity model entity types, a specific attribute of an activity stems from. This information is only needed for attributes that can be overridden locally. The returned map is complete, that is, each overrideable attribute has an entry for the activity model entity type its stems from.
        An unmodifiable mapping from all overrideable activity attributes to the entity type of the activity model the corresponding attribute stems from.
      • getSeparatedClassPaths

        Map<ActivityConstants.ActivityModelEntityType,​List<String>> getSeparatedClassPaths()
        Gets the classpath separated by the activity model entity type a part of the classpath stems from. The returned map is indexed by the activity model entity type a classpath stems from, the values are the parts of the class path.
        This allows to override the classpath with the corresponding priority, that is, class paths from ActivityTemplateDefinitions have a higher priority than the ones from Operations or ExecutableComponentDescriptions (even if overridden locally).
        An unmodifiable mapping from the originating activity model entity type to the part of the class path which stems from this activity model entity type. The class path will be the empty list in case the designated activity model entity type does not contribute to the class path.