protected static void |
AddNodeSystemParameter.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
AddSystemDataFlow.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int producerNodeID,
SystemDataProducer systemDataType,
int consumerNodeID,
String inputParameterName,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
AssignEmptyEmbeddedSubprocess.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
AssignExecutableBusinessProcess.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,ProcessConstants.DataMappingType>> paramsWithoutExistingDataElements,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,Integer>> paramsWithExistingDataElements,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static int |
CopyNode.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives sourceProcessGraph,
ChangePrimitives targetProcessGraph,
int nodeToCopyID,
int predID,
int succID,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static Node[] |
CreateSurroundingBlock.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node first,
Node last,
ProcessConstants.BlockType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
DeleteBorderNodes.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node split,
Node join,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
DeleteDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
DeleteDataElement.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
DataElement dataElement,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
DeleteEmptyBranch.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node split,
Node join,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
DeleteNode.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
ProcessConstants.NodeType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
EndTransaction.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
UpdateManager updateManager,
String transactionLabel) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static Node |
InsertBetweenNodeSets.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
List<Integer> preds,
List<Integer> succs,
ProcessConstants.NodeType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
InsertDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
InsertDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ProcessModelParameter param,
int connectorID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
InsertDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
DataElement dataElement,
ProcessModelParameter parameter,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static DataElement |
InsertDataElement.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static DataElement |
InsertDataElement.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
DataElement dataElement,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances (with given dataElement).
protected static Node[] |
InsertEmptyBlock.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node pred,
Node succ,
ProcessConstants.BlockType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
InsertEmptyBranch.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node split,
Node join,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static Node |
InsertNode.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node pred,
Node succ,
ProcessConstants.NodeType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static Node |
InsertNode.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node tempNode,
Node pred,
Node succ,
ProcessConstants.NodeType type,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
MoveNodes.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node first,
Node last,
Node pred,
Node succ,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
ReconnectDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
DataEdge dataEdge,
ProcessModelParameter param,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
RemoveExecutableBusinessProcess.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
RemoveNodeSystemParameter.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
String parameterName,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
RemoveSystemDataFlow.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
String inputParameterName,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
static void |
StartTransaction.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
SwapDataElementParameterConnections.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID1,
DataEdge dataEdge1,
int dataElementID2,
DataEdge dataEdge2,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
ToggleNodeVisibility.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
boolean hidden,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
ToggleSyncEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node pred,
Node succ,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdateDataEdge.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
int dataElementID,
ActivityConstants.AccessType type,
DataEdge dataEdge,
UpdateManager updateManager,
ProcessConstants.DataEdgeProperty... dataEdgeProperties) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static DataElement |
UpdateDataElement.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
DataElement dataElement,
UpdateManager updateManager,
ProcessConstants.DataElementProperty... dataElementProperties) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdateDataElementParameterMapping.performOperation(SessionToken session,
ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,ProcessConstants.DataMappingType>> paramsWithoutExistingDataElements,
Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,Map<ProcessModelParameter,Integer>> paramsWithExistingDataElements,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdateExecutableBusinessProcess.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
int nodeID,
ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp,
UpdateManager updateManager,
ProcessConstants.ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty... ebpProperties) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdateNode.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
Node node,
UpdateManager updateManager,
ProcessConstants.NodeProperty... nodeProperties) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdatePluginDataContainer.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
PluginDataContainer pluginContainer,
String extensionPointID,
String pluginDataID,
PluginData pluginData,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.
protected static void |
UpdateUserAttribute.performOperation(ChangePrimitives processGraph,
UserAttributeContainer attributeContainer,
String name,
String value,
UpdateManager updateManager) |
Worker method to do the structural changes for both changeable templates
and changeable instances.