Uses of Package
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.base.licensing Class Description LicenceInformation Licence information. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.base.registry Class Description ModelViewerProvider This interface provides access to classes that in turn provide type-safe access toPluginData
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.base.service Class Description ModelViewerProvider This interface provides access to classes that in turn provide type-safe access toPluginData
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.activityrepository Class Description Branch Changes of entities takes place inBranch
es.IconDescriptor An icon descriptor is used as a reference to the icon in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and support types.IconDescriptor.Dimension Simple class for a dimension, that is a width and a height in pixel used for icons.ResourceDescriptor A resource descriptor is used as a reference to an abstract (binary) resource (for instance 3rd party libraries) in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and a name.Revision Entities are tracked by revisions, whereas each revision is identified by a system-wide unique count. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.changeoperations Class Description PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.client Class Description ModelViewerProvider This interface provides access to classes that in turn provide type-safe access toPluginData
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.eventmanager.dbevents Class Description MemoryResultSet AMemoryResultSet
resembles aResultSet
in a very simple way. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.eventmanager.fileevents Class Description Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.eventmanager.mailevents Class Description Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.executionmanager Class Description DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service). -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.globalprovider Class Description Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.IconDescriptor An icon descriptor is used as a reference to the icon in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and support types.ResourceDescriptor A resource descriptor is used as a reference to an abstract (binary) resource (for instance 3rd party libraries) in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and a name. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processmanager Class Description DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service). -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.runtimemanager Class Description ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.transactionmanager Class Description DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service). -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.core.worklistmanager Class Description PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model Class Description ModelViewerProvider This interface provides access to classes that in turn provide type-safe access toPluginData
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.activitymodel Class Description AbstractActivity AnAbstractActivity
unifies the similarities of activities (used in the process model), activity templates (intermediate objects for transferring the necessary information from the activity model to the process model), activity template definitions (the corresponding objects in the activity model) and activity instances (the objects that are finally executed).ActivityConfiguration In AristaFlow configuration values in the activity model may stem from an input parameter as well as the configuration of the corresponding process.BuildtimeActivity ABuildtimeActivity
unifies the similarities of the objects representing activities at buildtime.ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity.CommonModelFactory Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ConfigurationDescription The configuration description defines the entries of a corresponding configuration, specifies the types and further restrictions for the configuration values as well as a description for the user.ConfigurationDescription.ConfigurationEntry A configuration entry declares a configuration value and provides additional information for it, that is a name for the entry, a description, the data type and restrictions on the type as well as the usage of the configuration value.ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.IconDescriptor An icon descriptor is used as a reference to the icon in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and support types.IconDescriptor.Dimension Simple class for a dimension, that is a width and a height in pixel used for icons.Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models.ParameterChangePolicy Generic operations do not have a fixed interface but may allow to change their input and output parameters.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.ResourceDescriptor A resource descriptor is used as a reference to an abstract (binary) resource (for instance 3rd party libraries) in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and a name.Revision Entities are tracked by revisions, whereas each revision is identified by a system-wide unique count.State A state specifies how an entity of the activity model (ExecutableComponentDescription
) may be used.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common Class Description AbstractActivity AnAbstractActivity
unifies the similarities of activities (used in the process model), activity templates (intermediate objects for transferring the necessary information from the activity model to the process model), activity template definitions (the corresponding objects in the activity model) and activity instances (the objects that are finally executed).ActivityConfiguration In AristaFlow configuration values in the activity model may stem from an input parameter as well as the configuration of the corresponding process.ChangeableActivityConfiguration This interface unifies aChangeableConfiguration
and anActivityConfiguration
and allows to change the attributes of theActivityConfiguration
, that is whether a configuration value stems from an input parameter or the corresponding process configuration.ChangeableConfiguration This interface extends theConfiguration
by the means to change the configuration values.ChangeableConfigurationDescription This interface extends theConfigurationDescription
by the means to add or remove configuration entries.ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity.CommonModelFactory Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ConfigurationDescription The configuration description defines the entries of a corresponding configuration, specifies the types and further restrictions for the configuration values as well as a description for the user.ConfigurationDescription.ConfigurationEntry A configuration entry declares a configuration value and provides additional information for it, that is a name for the entry, a description, the data type and restrictions on the type as well as the usage of the configuration value.ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.IconDescriptor An icon descriptor is used as a reference to the icon in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and support types.IconDescriptor.Dimension Simple class for a dimension, that is a width and a height in pixel used for icons.LicenceInformation Licence information.LicenceInformation.Activation Deprecated.This is replaced by anint
specifying the activation interval.LocalisedCheckReport.LocalisedReportEntry A report entry extension providing localised messages.MergingConfiguration This class merges several configurations to one configuration.Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models.ParameterChangePolicy Generic operations do not have a fixed interface but may allow to change their input and output parameters.PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.ResourceDescriptor A resource descriptor is used as a reference to an abstract (binary) resource (for instance 3rd party libraries) in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and a name.RestrictionType Enumeration of the supported types of restrictions for configuration values (seeProperty.restrictions()
for more information, e.g. about their syntax).Revision Entities are tracked by revisions, whereas each revision is identified by a system-wide unique count.State A state specifies how an entity of the activity model (ExecutableComponentDescription
) may be used.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common.collection Class Description DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service). -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common.defaultimplementation Class Description PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes.WrappingProxy This interface resemblesWrapper
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common.i18n Class Description PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.WrappingProxy This interface resemblesWrapper
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common.plugindata Class Description PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common.systemdata Class Description Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by Class Description Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.datamanagement Class Description PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by Class Description MemoryResultSet AMemoryResultSet
resembles aResultSet
in a very simple way. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.execution Class Description AbstractActivity AnAbstractActivity
unifies the similarities of activities (used in the process model), activity templates (intermediate objects for transferring the necessary information from the activity model to the process model), activity template definitions (the corresponding objects in the activity model) and activity instances (the objects that are finally executed).ActivityConfiguration In AristaFlow configuration values in the activity model may stem from an input parameter as well as the configuration of the corresponding process.ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity.Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.MergingConfiguration This class merges several configurations to one configuration.PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.graphical Class Description CommonModelFactory PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.inittab Class Description UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.processmodel Class Description AbstractActivity AnAbstractActivity
unifies the similarities of activities (used in the process model), activity templates (intermediate objects for transferring the necessary information from the activity model to the process model), activity template definitions (the corresponding objects in the activity model) and activity instances (the objects that are finally executed).ActivityConfiguration In AristaFlow configuration values in the activity model may stem from an input parameter as well as the configuration of the corresponding process.BuildtimeActivity ABuildtimeActivity
unifies the similarities of the objects representing activities at buildtime.ChangeableActivityConfiguration This interface unifies aChangeableConfiguration
and anActivityConfiguration
and allows to change the attributes of theActivityConfiguration
, that is whether a configuration value stems from an input parameter or the corresponding process configuration.ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity.CommonModelFactory Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ConfigurationDescription The configuration description defines the entries of a corresponding configuration, specifies the types and further restrictions for the configuration values as well as a description for the user.ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.LocalisedCheckReport A check report extension providing localised messages.LocalisedCheckReport.LocalisedReportEntry A report entry extension providing localised messages.Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models.ParameterChangePolicy Generic operations do not have a fixed interface but may allow to change their input and output parameters.PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by Class Description Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.processmodel.xml Class Description ResourceDescriptor A resource descriptor is used as a reference to an abstract (binary) resource (for instance 3rd party libraries) in the repository and to store additional data, like a revision and a name.XMLExportTools These methods will be used by both, the activity model and the process model.XMLImportTools These methods will be used by both, the activity model and the process model. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.runtimeenvironment Class Description Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.model.worklistmodel Class Description CommonModelFactory ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.adept2.ui.htmlgui Class Description WrappingProxy This interface resemblesWrapper
. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.ilm.model.common Class Description ActivityConfiguration In AristaFlow configuration values in the activity model may stem from an input parameter as well as the configuration of the corresponding process.CommonModelFactory Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ConfigurationDescription The configuration description defines the entries of a corresponding configuration, specifies the types and further restrictions for the configuration values as well as a description for the user.ConfigurationDescription.ConfigurationEntry A configuration entry declares a configuration value and provides additional information for it, that is a name for the entry, a description, the data type and restrictions on the type as well as the usage of the configuration value.DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service).ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.LicenceInformation Licence information.Parameter The parameter interface describes the common parameter information of the various data models.UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.ilm.model.common.collection Class Description DataConsistencyException ADataConsistencyException
indicates an inconsistency in the data (of a service). -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.ilm.model.common.i18n Class Description CommonModelFactory PluginData Storage of data which is specific for a plug-in.PluginDataContainer Data container for storing plug-in-specific data-values in model entities. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.ilm.model.execution Class Description ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by de.aristaflow.ilm.model.processmodel Class Description ClassLoaderUsage What classloader to use for the execution of an activity.Configuration A configuration object provides the means to access configuration values type-safe.ExecutionControlProperties The execution control properties reflect the abilities of applications (operations, activity templates, etc.), on reacting to execution control requests from the outside.ParameterChangePolicy Generic operations do not have a fixed interface but may allow to change their input and output parameters. -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by Class Description CommonModelFactory -
Classes in de.aristaflow.adept2.model.common used by Class Description UserAttributeContainer The UserAttributeContainer provides an interface for all classes using user defined attributes.