InducedGraph |
Represents a process graph induced by a given set of nodes.
InstanceReferenceComparator |
This comparator can be used to compare instance references used in
TreeMap s.
InstanceRefTemplateComparator |
This comparator compares InstanceReference s by the corresponding
template IDs (by delegating to an TemplateReferenceComparator ).
NodeRelations |
Class which allows for work on execution orders between nodes.
ProcessElementIdentifierTools |
This is a helper class to create and parse URIs identifying process elements.
ProcessGraphPredicates |
Predicates for ADEPT2 graphs.
ProcessModelTools |
Helper methods which are based on the interfaces of the process model.
ProcessTypeComparator |
This comparator can be used to compare process types by means of the
corresponding root template proxies.
TemplateReferenceComparator |
This comparator compares TemplateReference s by the corresponding
template IDs.
TopologicalNodeIdComparator |
A comparator for node IDs of type Integer determining the order of the node IDs
according to their topological ID.