CodeDescriptorComparator |
This comparator can be used to compare code descriptors.
ProcessModelXMLConstants |
Constants concerning XML, e.g. tag-names, namespaces.
ProcessModelXMLExport |
The XMLExport class allows to export any template or instance data to an xml
file, an DOM document, a string or a byte array (containing XML code).
ProcessModelXMLExportTools |
Helper methods for the XML export of process model classes, i.e. methods to
create single xml element objects.
ProcessModelXMLHelperTools |
Contains important functions for both, XML import and export.
ProcessModelXMLHelperTools.LockDescription |
This class describes a lock, e.g. a lock on a template.
ProcessModelXMLHelperTools.SerialisableProcessType |
A lightweight data container for serialising process types without a
template proxy.
ProcessModelXMLHelperTools.TemplateInformation |
A lightweight data container for serialising process types without a
template proxy.
ProcessModelXMLImport |
Import templates and instances from XML.
ProcessModelXMLImportTools |
All helper methods for the XML import of process model classes, i.e. mainly
parsing elements into objects.
XPathSystemDataProvider |
This class provides the usual system data:
{} (xs:long)
{} (xs:long)
{} (xs:dateTime)