Interface IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<I1,​I2>

  • Type Parameters:
    I1 - The type of the first argument of the BiConsumer.
    I2 - The type of the second argument of the BiConsumer.
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<I1,​I2>
    A BiConsumer that wraps a thrown IOException in a UncheckedIOException.
    • Method Detail

      • wrap

        static <In1,​In2> BiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrap​(IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrapped)
        Wraps the designated BiConsumer by wrapping the thrown IOException in a UncheckedIOException.
        Type Parameters:
        In1 - The type of the first argument of the BiConsumer.
        In2 - The type of the second argument of the BiConsumer.
        wrapped - The BiConsumer throwing an IOException.
        A BiConsumer throwing an UncheckedIOException.
      • wrap

        static <In1,​In2> BiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrap​(IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrapped,
                                                              String msg)
        Wraps the designated BiConsumer by wrapping the thrown IOException in a UncheckedIOException with the message of the designated supplier.
        Type Parameters:
        In1 - The type of the first argument of the BiConsumer.
        In2 - The type of the second argument of the BiConsumer.
        wrapped - The BiConsumer throwing an IOException.
        msg - The message for the wrapping UncheckedIOException. If this is null, the wrapping UncheckedIOException will not have a message.
        A BiConsumer throwing an UncheckedIOException.
      • wrap

        static <In1,​In2> BiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrap​(IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrapped,
                                                              Supplier<String> msgSupp)
        Wraps the designated BiConsumer by wrapping the thrown IOException in a UncheckedIOException with the message of the designated supplier.
        Type Parameters:
        In1 - The type of the first argument of the BiConsumer.
        In2 - The type of the second argument of the BiConsumer.
        wrapped - The BiConsumer throwing an IOException.
        msgSupp - The supplier providing a message for the wrapping UncheckedIOException. If this is null or supplies null, the wrapping UncheckedIOException will not have a message.
        A BiConsumer throwing an UncheckedIOException.
      • wrap

        static <In1,​In2> BiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrap​(IoToUncheckedBiConsumer<In1,​In2> wrapped,
                                                              BiFunction<? super In1,​? super In2,​String> msgBiFunc)
        Wraps the designated BiConsumer by wrapping the thrown IOException in a UncheckedIOException with the message of the designated supplier.
        Type Parameters:
        In1 - The type of the first argument of the BiConsumer.
        In2 - The type of the second argument of the BiConsumer.
        wrapped - The BiConsumer throwing an IOException.
        msgBiFunc - The BiFunction providing a message for the wrapping UncheckedIOException when applied to the arguments of wrapped. If this is null or supplies null, the wrapping UncheckedIOException will not have a message.
        A BiConsumer throwing an UncheckedIOException.