Class Session

    • Field Detail

      • subClass

        public @Size(min=1) String subClass
        This is used as additional information for rich type hierarchies.
      • sessionId

        public @NotBlank UUID sessionId
        Set this to an arbitrary value. This should be a globally unique random value. Use the same value for all interactions belonging to the same transaction, change it for a new transaction.
      • callerUris

        public @NotEmpty List<@NotNull URI> callerUris
        Set this to URIs identifying your client uniquely. This can be the same for every session token used within the same application/client.
      • attributes

        public Map<@NotBlank String,​String> attributes
        Set this to arbitrary attributes required for a specific interaction.
      • parentSession

        public @Valid Session parentSession
        Set this to sessions for interactions belonging to a sub-transaction of the transaction of the designated session. This is of the same (sub-)type as this Session.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Session

        public Session()