Uses of Class
Packages that use LockException Package Description de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processmanager de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processrepository de.aristaflow.adept2.util.locking de.aristaflow.ilm.util -
Uses of LockException in de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processmanager
Methods in de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processmanager that throw LockException Modifier and Type Method Description Map<UUID,UUID>
InstanceManager. archiveInstance(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Archives the designated instance, that is the instance and all related data like the status, child instances (and their statuses) as well as the (modified) template in case of a instance-specific template are removed from this instance manager.SerialisablePair<Collection<UUID>,Map<UUID,UUID>>
TemplateManager. archiveTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Archives the designated template, which removes: the template itself, modified templates based on this template, its embedded templates, all corresponding template statuses, all of its instances (including the ones from the modified and embedded templates based on the designated template, all corresponding instance statuses, This alsoarchives all corresponding instances
InstanceManager. changeAndUnlockInstance(SessionToken session, ChangeableInstance instance, Locale... locales)
Releases the lock of the designated instance and incorporates the made changes.ChangeReport
InstanceManager. changeInstance(SessionToken session, ChangeableInstance instance, Locale... locales)
Changes the instance and returns a new UUID but does not release the lock.ExecutableInstance
InstanceManager. createInstanceOf(SessionToken session, UUID templateID, String instanceName, QualifiedAgent supervisorAgent, long creationTime)
Creates a new instance for execution.ExecutableInstance
InstanceManager. createSubInstanceOf(SessionToken session, UUID templateID, String instanceName, QualifiedAgent supervisorAgent, EBPInstanceReference superInstanceActivity, long creationTime)
Creates a new instance as subprocess for execution.ChangeableInstance
InstanceManager. getAndLockInstanceForChanging(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Gets a process instance that may be changed after retrieval.ExecutableInstance
InstanceManager. getAndLockInstanceForExecution(SessionToken session, UUID instanceId)
Gets an object allowing to execute the designated instance, which is, setting the states and the performer of the nodes.InstanceStatus
InstanceManager. getAndLockInstanceStatus(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Gets an object representing the status of the designated process instance and locks the instance for further manipulation, for instance, another status change, a schema-evolution or even a new instantiation.TemplateStatus
TemplateManager. getAndLockTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Gets an object containing the status of the designated process template and locks the template for further manipulation, for instance, another status change, a schema-evolution or a new instantiation.ExecutableInstance
InstanceManager. regetInstanceForExecution(SessionToken session, UUID instanceId)
Gets the executable instance again whileholding the lock
InstanceManager. setExecutableInstance(SessionToken session, ExecutableInstance executableInstance)
Saves the made changes for the designated instance but does not unlock the instance.void
InstanceManager. setExecutionStatus(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID, ProcessConstants.InstanceExecutionStatus executionStatus, String comment)
Sets the execution status of the designated instance according to the designated values.void
InstanceManager. setInstanceStatus(SessionToken session, InstanceStatus instanceStatus)
Sets the status of the instance (identified by the instance status object), to the new status.void
TemplateManager. setTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, TemplateStatus templateStatus)
Sets the status of the template (identified by the template status object), to the new status.void
InstanceManager. unlockChangeableInstance(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Releases the lock of the designated instance but ignores the made changes.void
InstanceManager. unlockExecutableInstance(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Unlocks the designated instance and ignores any changes.void
InstanceManager. unlockInstanceStatus(SessionToken session, UUID instanceID)
Unlocks the status of the designated instance ignores made changes and and releases the change lock on the process instance status.void
TemplateManager. unlockTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Unlocks the status of the designated template, ignores made changes and and releases the lock on the process template status. -
Uses of LockException in de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processrepository
Methods in de.aristaflow.adept2.core.processrepository that throw LockException Modifier and Type Method Description Collection<CheckReport>
ProcessTemplateManager. deployProcessTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateId, Collection<URI[]> pmUris, boolean includeReferenced, Locale... locales)
Deploys a released process template and optionally all referenced subprocess templates to the designated process managers.void
ProcessTemplateManager. deployProcessTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateID, Set<URI[]> processManagerURIs)
Deploys a released process template to the designated process managers.ChangeableTemplate
ProcessTemplateManager. deriveNewChildTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID parentTemplateID)
Creates and locks a template as child of the designated parent template.ChangeableTemplate
ProcessTemplateManager. getAndLockTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Gets a template in construction for further modification.TemplateStatus
ProcessTemplateManager. getAndLockTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Gets an object containing the status of the designated process template and locks the template status for further manipulation, for instance, another status change, a schema-evolution or a new instantiation.void
ProcessTemplateManager. release(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Enables the instantiation and usage of the process template by setting the buildtime state toRELEASED
ProcessTemplateManager. setTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, TemplateStatus templateStatus)
Sets the status of the template (identified by the template status object), to the new status.CheckReport
ProcessTemplateManager. storeTemplate(SessionToken session, Template template, boolean checkValidity, Document history, TemplateDeltaLayer structuralChanges, Locale... locales)
Stores (but does not unlock) a modified template (which has been checked out for modification
ProcessTemplateManager. unlockTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Unlocks the designated process template for the user identified by the session and also the corresponding template status it this is also
ProcessTemplateManager. unlockTemplateStatus(SessionToken session, UUID templateID)
Unlocks the status of the designated template, ignores made changes and releases the lock on the process template status.CheckReport
ProcessTemplateManager. validateTemplate(SessionToken session, UUID templateId, Locale... locales)
Tries to validate the template and fills the designatedCheckReport
for useful feedback. -
Uses of LockException in de.aristaflow.adept2.util.locking
Subclasses of LockException in de.aristaflow.adept2.util.locking Modifier and Type Class Description class
indicates that a lock of a specific type on an object can not be acquired since the object is already locked by another locking object (and possibly with another type of lock).class
indicates that the lock on an object can not be released since the releasing object does not have the lock.Methods in de.aristaflow.adept2.util.locking that throw LockException Modifier and Type Method Description void
ObjectEqualityLockManager. unlockObject(boolean writeLock, O lockedObject)
Unlocks the designated object by the current thread.boolean
ObjectLockManager. unlockObject(boolean writeLock, L lockingObject, O lockedObject)
Unlocks the designated object by the designated locking object.boolean
PessimisticObjectLockManager. unlockObject(boolean writeLock, L lockingObject, O lockedObject)
Uses of LockException in de.aristaflow.ilm.util
Constructors in de.aristaflow.ilm.util with parameters of type LockException Constructor Description LockException(LockException le)