Class ADEPT2UDTValue

    • Field Detail

      • userDefinedTypeName

        protected String userDefinedTypeName
        The name of the user-defined type.
      • data

        protected org.apache.commons.lang3.mutable.Mutable<RereadableContent> data
        The value of this UDTValue as RereadableContent. This is always completely initialised.
        The field will be serialised as byte[].
      • cleanup

        protected transient Cleanup<IOException> cleanup
        The clean-up called after as post-mortem action of this ADEPT2UDTValue. Since this is the same logic, it is also used by close().
    • Constructor Detail

      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(String userDefinedType,
                              byte[] value)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (byte array).
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        value - The bytes representing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(byte[] value,
                              String userDefinedType)
                       throws IOException
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (byte array).
        value - The bytes representing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding.
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        IOException - If there are problems creating the data structures for the content or the hash within the RereadableContent, an IOException will be thrown.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(String userDefinedType,
                              InputStream stream)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (input stream). The content of the designated stream will be completely read. Note that the stream will be closed by this constructor!
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        stream - The input stream containing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding. The stream will be closed after the creation.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(InputStream stream,
                              String userDefinedType)
                       throws IOException
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (input stream). Note that the stream will be closed by this constructor!
        stream - The input stream containing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding. The stream will be closed after the creation.
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        IOException - If there are problems creating the data structures for the content or the hash within the RereadableContent, an IOException will be thrown.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(InputStream stream,
                              long size,
                              String userDefinedType)
                       throws IOException
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (input stream) having the designated size. Note that the stream will be closed by this constructor!
        stream - The input stream containing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding. The stream will be closed after the creation.
        size - The estimated size of (the contents of) the created stream. Use a negative value if the size is unknown.
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        IOException - If there are problems creating the data structures for the content or the hash within the RereadableContent, an IOException will be thrown.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(UDTValue udt)
                       throws IOException
        Creates a new UDTValue with the properties and the content of the designated UDTValue.
        You can also clone() an ADEPT2UDTValue. This works similar to this constructor but wraps the IOexception in an UncheckedIOException.
        udt - The UDTValue which to clone. The caller is responsible for closing.
        IOException - If there are problems creating the data structures for the content or the hash within the RereadableContent, an IOException will be thrown.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(String userDefinedType,
                              InputStream stream,
                              boolean eager)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (input stream). Note that the stream will be closed by this constructor!
        No laziness is supported any more, the complete data will be read immediately.
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        stream - The input stream containing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding. The stream will be closed after the creation.
        eager - Ignored.
      • ADEPT2UDTValue

        public ADEPT2UDTValue​(String userDefinedType,
                              InputStream stream,
                              int length)
        Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
        Use ADEPT2UDTValue(byte[], String) with a BoundedInputStream instead.
        Creates a new UDTValue with the designated name and the designated value (input stream). The content of the designated stream will be read by the designated length eagerly. If the stream contains more content, the remaining content will be ignored. Note that the stream will not be closed!
        userDefinedType - The name of the user-defined type of the value.
        stream - The input stream containing the value of this UDTValue. Please take care of the encoding. The stream will be closed after the creation.
        length - The number of bytes to be read from the designated input stream.
        IllegalArgumentException - If the designated number of bytes cannot be read from the stream, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • getUserDefinedType

        public String getUserDefinedType()
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Gets the name (a string) of the user-defined type of this value.
        Specified by:
        getUserDefinedType in interface UDTValue
        The name of the user-defined data type of this value.
      • getValueAsStream

        public AttributedInputStream getValueAsStream()
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Gets the value as an InputStream of this user-defined data type.
        You have to close the stream after usage.
        Specified by:
        getValueAsStream in interface UDTValue
        The value of a (this) user-defined data type as an InputStream. The caller is responsible for closing.
      • getInputStream

        public AttributedInputStream getInputStream()
                                             throws IOException
        Gets the value as an InputStream of this user-defined data type.
        You have to close the stream after usage. Usually you should not UDTValue.close() this UDTValue before all created input streams have been consumed. Implementations may deviate so that closing the UDTValue does not affect the created input streams. closing will not affect the InputStream.
        Specified by:
        getInputStream in interface UDTValue
        The value of a (this) user-defined data type as an InputStream. The caller is responsible for closing.
        IOException - If there are problems creating a corresponding InputStream, an IOException will be thrown.
      • getValueAsArray

        public byte[] getValueAsArray()
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Gets the value as a byte array of this user-defined data type.
        Specified by:
        getValueAsArray in interface UDTValue
        The value of a (this) user-defined data type as an array of bytes.
      • getSize

        public Long getSize()
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Gets the size of this UDT value if it is known. For instance, if the content stems from a stream and the stream is not read yet, the size cannot be determined and null will be returned.
        Specified by:
        getSize in interface UDTValue
        The size of the content of this UDT value, null if the content is not known yet, for instance, it has not been read from the input stream yet.
      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes()
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Gets the value as a byte array of this user-defined data type.
        Specified by:
        getBytes in interface UDTValue
        The value of a (this) user-defined data type as an array of bytes.
        IOException - If there are problems retrieving the corresponding array, e. g the length of the data exceeds the maximum length of an array, an IOException will be thrown.
      • clone

        public ADEPT2UDTValue clone()
        Description copied from interface: UDTValue
        Clones this UDTValue in case it is Cloneable, otherwise a CloneNotSupportedException will be thrown (which is what this default implementation does). Subclasses should provide a corresponding implementation and also extend Cloneable. Those which do not, should forward to this default implementation.
        Specified by:
        clone in interface TypedCloneable<ADEPT2UDTValue>
        Specified by:
        clone in interface UDTValue
        clone in class Object
        A clone of this UDTValue instance.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • clone

        public static UDTValue clone​(UDTValue udt,
                                     boolean forceRecreation)
                              throws IOException
        Clones or recreates the designated UDTValue depending on the designated recreate and whether ccloning is supported. If recreate or cloning is not supported or fails, the designated UDTValue will be recreated as new instance of ADEPT2UDTValue.
        udt - The UDTValue which to clone or recreate. This may be null.
        forceRecreation - Whether recreating as ADEPT2UDTValue should be enforced. Otherwise cloning will be preferred with a fallback to recreation in case of failure.
        A clone or recreation of the designated UDTValue or null.
        IOException - If there are problems creating a new ADEPT2UDTValue (may be a consequence of unsuccessful cloning), the corresponding IOException will be thrown.
      • cloneUnchecked

        public static UDTValue cloneUnchecked​(UDTValue udt,
                                              boolean forceRecreation)
        Clones or recreates the designated UDTValue depending on the designated recreate and whether ccloning is supported. If recreate or cloning is not supported or fails, the designated UDTValue will be recreated as new instance of ADEPT2UDTValue.
        udt - The UDTValue which to clone or recreate. This may be null.
        forceRecreation - Whether recreating as ADEPT2UDTValue should be enforced. Otherwise cloning will be preferred with a fallback to recreation in case of failure.
        A clone or recreation of the designated UDTValue or null.
        UncheckedIOException - If there are problems creating a new ADEPT2UDTValue (may be a consequence of unsuccessful cloning), the corresponding IOException will be wrapped with an UncheckedIOException and re-thrown.