Class ChangeOperationTools

  • public class ChangeOperationTools
    extends Object
    A helper class with tools which are used by the change operations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangeOperationTools

        public ChangeOperationTools()
    • Method Detail

      • createSimpleNodeObject

        public static Node createSimpleNodeObject​(SessionToken session)
        Creates a simple node container object
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        a Node
      • createSimpleEdgeObject

        public static Edge createSimpleEdgeObject​(SessionToken session,
                                                  ProcessConstants.EdgeType type)
        Creates a simple edge container object of the given type
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        type - the type of the edge
        an Edge
      • createSimpleDataElementObject

        public static DataElement createSimpleDataElementObject​(SessionToken session,
                                                                String name,
                                                                ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType type)
        Creates a simple DataElement container object
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        name - the name of DataElement
        type - the AdeptDataType of the DataElement
        a DataElement
      • createSimpleDataEdgeObject

        public static DataEdge createSimpleDataEdgeObject​(SessionToken session,
                                                          ActivityConstants.AccessType type)
        Creates a simple DataEdge container Object
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        type - the AccessType of the Data Edge
        a DataEdge
      • createSimpleProcessParameterObject

        public static ProcessModelParameter createSimpleProcessParameterObject​(SessionToken session,
                                                                               String name,
                                                                               ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType type,
                                                                               String userDefinedType,
                                                                               boolean isVirtual,
                                                                               UUID identifierID,
                                                                               boolean isInputParameter)
        Creates a simple process (in-/out-) parameter.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        name - The name of the parameter that correspondence to the name of the connected data element.
        type - The ADEPT2 data type the parameter should be of.
        userDefinedType - The identifier of the UDF type if the type of the parameter is of UDT or null otherwise.
        isVirtual - true if the parameter is virtual
        identifierID - The identifier that should be assigned to the parameter.
        isInputParameter - Specifies if the parameter is an input (TRUE) or an output parameter (FALSE).
        The parameter object configured with the given values.
      • createSimpleProcessParameterObject

        public static ProcessModelParameter createSimpleProcessParameterObject​(ProcessModelFactory pmf,
                                                                               String name,
                                                                               ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType type,
                                                                               String userDefinedType,
                                                                               boolean isVirtual,
                                                                               UUID identifierId,
                                                                               boolean isInputParameter)
        Creates a simple process (in-/out-) parameter.
        pmf - The process model factory used to create the returned parameter.
        name - The name of the parameter that correspondence to the name of the connected data element.
        type - The ADEPT2 data type the parameter should be of.
        userDefinedType - The identifier of the UDF type if the type of the parameter is of UDT or null otherwise.
        isVirtual - true if the parameter is virtual
        identifierId - The identifier that should be assigned to the parameter.
        isInputParameter - Specifies if the parameter is an input (TRUE) or an output parameter (FALSE).
        The parameter object configured with the given values.
      • getCorrespondingNodeProperties

        public static UpdateManager.NodeProperties[] getCorrespondingNodeProperties​(ProcessConstants.NodeProperty... nodeProperties)
        Convert an array of NodeProperty to an array of corresponding NodeProperties.
        nodeProperties -
        The corresponding NodeProperties enums for the given NodeProperty enums
      • getCorrespondingDataElementProperties

        public static UpdateManager.DataElementProperties[] getCorrespondingDataElementProperties​(ProcessConstants.DataElementProperty... dataElementProperties)
        Convert an array of DataElementProperty to an array of corresponding DataElementProperties.
        dataElementProperties -
        The corresponding DataElementProperties enums for the given DataElementProperty enums
      • getCorrespondingDataEdgeProperties

        public static UpdateManager.DataEdgeProperties[] getCorrespondingDataEdgeProperties​(ProcessConstants.DataEdgeProperty... dataEdgeProperties)
        Convert an array of DataEdgeProperty to an array of corresponding DataEdgeProperties.
        dataEdgeProperties -
        The corresponding DataEdgeProperties enums for the given DataEdgeProperty enums
      • getCorrespondingActivityProperties

        public static UpdateManager.ActivityProperties[] getCorrespondingActivityProperties​(ProcessConstants.ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty... ebpProperties)
        Convert an array of ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty to an array of corresponding ActivityProperties.
        ebpProperties - the EBP properties
        The corresponding ActivityProperties enums for the given ExecutableBusinessProcessProperty enums
      • getParameterDataElementMappingForAlreadyAssignedEBP

        public static Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,​Map<ProcessModelParameter,​Integer>> getParameterDataElementMappingForAlreadyAssignedEBP​(Template template,
                                                                                                                                                           int nodeID)
        Returns an already existent mapping between parameters and existent data elements. Call this method if the EBP already has an existent mapping. If the given EBP should be assigned to the node for the first time call createRandomisedParameterDataElementMappingForNewEBP instead.
        template - the related template
        nodeID - the ID of the related node
        a map which uses AccessType.READ/WRITE to specify if the inner map contains a mapping between input or output parameters and already existing data element IDs
      • getParameterSystemValueMappingForAlreadyAssignedEBP

        public static Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,​Map<ProcessModelParameter,​ProcessConstants.DataMappingType>> getParameterSystemValueMappingForAlreadyAssignedEBP​(Template template,
                                                                                                                                                                                    int nodeID)
        Returns an already existent mapping between parameters and system values (e.g. NEW_DATAELEMENT, CONNECT_LATER, etc.). Call this method if the EBP already has an existent mapping. If the given EBP should be assigned to the node for the first time call createParameterSystemValueMappingForNewEBP instead.
        template - the related template
        nodeID - the ID of the related node
        a map which uses AccessType.READ/WRITE to specify if the inner map contains a mapping between input or output parameters and system values
      • createRandomisedParameterDataElementMappingForNewEBP

        public static Map<ActivityConstants.AccessType,​Map<ProcessModelParameter,​DataElement>> createRandomisedParameterDataElementMappingForNewEBP​(Template template,
                                                                                                                                                                int nodeID,
                                                                                                                                                                ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp)
        Creates a mapping between the parameters of the given EBP and already existent data elements (where possible). Note: The method returns only those parameters which could be mapped to a compliant data element, i.e. there could be parameters of the EBP which are still unmapped.
        template - the related template
        nodeID - the id of the related node
        ebp - the EBP which should be assigned to the node
        a map which uses AccessType.READ/WRITE to specify if the inner map contains a mapping between input or output parameters and data elements
      • getCompliantConnectedDataElementsForParameter

        public static Set<DataElement> getCompliantConnectedDataElementsForParameter​(ProcessModelParameter parameter,
                                                                                     Template template,
                                                                                     int nodeID,
                                                                                     ActivityConstants.AccessType type)
        Returns a set of compliant data elements for the given parameter which are connected to the given node (i.e there is a data edge between the node and the compliant data element) in the correct direction. Compliance is defined as follows: A data element is compliant to a parameter if the following attributes are equal: 1. type, 2. virtual attribute, and 3. identifier id. Also it is compliant if 1. and 2. are equal and the identifier id of a data element is UNIVERSAL_IDENTIFIER_ID or IDENTIFIER_NOT_SET. Furthermore a special case have to be treated: If the type is USERDEFINED the user defined types must be equal.
        parameter - the parameter
        template - the related template
        nodeID - the id of the node
        type - the type of the parameter input (READ) or output (WRITE)
        an unmodifiable set of compliant, and to the node connected data elements
      • ebpEqualsAssignedEbp

        public static boolean ebpEqualsAssignedEbp​(Node node,
                                                   ExecutableBusinessProcess ebp)
        Returns true if the given EBP equals the EBP which has been assigned to the given node.
        node - the node whose EBP is compared to the given EBP
        ebp - the EBP which is to be compared to the EBP of the given node
        true if the given EBP equals the assigned EBP of the node
      • fireNodeStateChangedEvent

        public static void fireNodeStateChangedEvent​(UpdateManager updateManager,
                                                     Instance instance,
                                                     Node node)
        Fires updates for changed node states
        updateManager - the update manager which is to be informed
        instance - the related instance
        node - the node whose state changed
      • getCompliantDataElements

        public static Set<DataElement> getCompliantDataElements​(Template templ,
                                                                ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType type,
                                                                UUID identifierID,
                                                                boolean inclSysDes)
        Returns the set of data elements, which are compatible to the given type and identifier for reading the data element.
        templ - The process template.
        type - The data type.
        identifierID - The identifier ID or null for any identifier.
        inclSysDes - true, to include system data elements
        The set of data elements, which are compatible to the given type and identifier.
      • getCompliantDataElements

        public static Collection<DataElement> getCompliantDataElements​(Template templ,
                                                                       ProcessConstants.AdeptDataType type,
                                                                       UUID identifierID,
                                                                       int nodeId)
        Gets the data elements that are compatible to the designated type and identifier for reading the data element. This excludes all system data elements except for the system data elements (system-)accessed by the designated node.
        templ - The process template from which to get all compliant data elements.
        type - The data type (of the data element) to read.
        identifierID - The identifier ID (of the data element) to read or null for any identifier.
        nodeId - The ID of the node for which system data elements are allowed, that is, all system data elements are compliant that are system-accessed by this node. All other system data elements will be excluded. If this is CommonConstants.INT_ID_NOT_EXISTING, no system data element will be considered compliant.
        The data elements which are compatible to the designated type and identifier and which are not system data elements (except for the designated node).
      • getSavePredecessors

        public static Set<Node> getSavePredecessors​(Template template,
                                                    int nodeID)
        Returns the set of nodes, which not null nodes and are predecessors of the given node and are executed on all circumstances (i.e. on all possible traces through the graph).
        template - The process template.
        nodeID - The ID of the node.
        The set of nodes, which are executed before the given node on any circumstance and are not null nodes.
      • getClosestVisiblePred

        public static int getClosestVisiblePred​(Template template,
                                                int nodeId)
        Gets the closest predecessor of the designated node that is not hidden.
        template - The template containing the node.
        nodeId - The node for which to get the closest predecessor that is not hidden.
        The ID of the first predecessor of the designated node that is not hidden.
      • getClosestVisibleSucc

        public static int getClosestVisibleSucc​(Template template,
                                                int nodeId)
        Gets the closest successor of the designated node that is not hidden.
        template - The template containing the node.
        nodeId - The node for which to get the closest successor that is not hidden.
        The ID of the first successor of the designated node that is not hidden.