Interface LicenceManager

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface LicenceManager
    extends ADEPT2Service
    The licence manager provides the licence information for all services and clients of the corresponding server. Additionally, it validates the licence. It is a service started very early in the bootstrapping process.
    Services checking for violations can log them. However, not every violation stops the corresponding service. Violations will be checked every day, which may lead to a shutdown of the system.

    The licence information is retrieved from an external source when starting this licence manager.

    • Field Detail

      • SECOND

        static final long SECOND
        No longer required with java.time.
        The amount of milliseconds for one second. *
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • MINUTE

        static final long MINUTE
        No longer required with java.time.
        The amount of milliseconds for one minute. *
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • HOUR

        static final long HOUR
        No longer required with java.time.
        The amount of milliseconds for one hour. *
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final int TRANSACTION_TRACKING_DAYS
        The amount of days transactions are tracked.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final Duration MAXIMUM_ALLOWED_TIME_ADJUSTMENT
        The amount of time the system clock may be adjusted backwards without being logged as violation.
      • UTC_TZ

        static final TimeZone UTC_TZ
        No longer required with java.time.
        The UTC-time zone used for all licensing issues.
      • DEF_LOCALE

        static final Locale DEF_LOCALE
        No longer required with java.time.
        The default locale used for all licensing issues.

        static final String VIOLATION_KNOWN_USER_LIMIT_START
        The event indicating that the violation of the known user limit has been started.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String VIOLATION_KNOWN_USER_LIMIT_END
        The event indicating that the violation of the known user limit has been ended (or has not started yet).
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String VIOLATION_USING_USER_LIMIT_START
        The event indicating that the violation of the using user limit has been started.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String VIOLATION_USING_USER_LIMIT_END
        The event indicating that the violation of the using user limit has been ended.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String VIOLATION_TRANSACTION_LIMIT
        The event indicating that the transaction limit has been violated.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        static final String VIOLATION_TIME_INCONSISTENCY
        The event indicating that a time inconsistency has occurred.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getSymbolicReleaseName

        String getSymbolicReleaseName()
        Gets the symbolic name of the current release of the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
        The symbolic name of the current release of the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
      • getLicenceInformation

        LicenceInformation getLicenceInformation()
        Gets the licence information that applies to the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
        The licence information that applies to the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
      • getLicenceInformation

        LicenceInformation getLicenceInformation​(SessionToken session)
        Gets the licence information that applies to the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        The licence information that applies to the server and all of its services as well as the clients.
      • logViolation

        boolean logViolation​(SessionToken session,
                             String violationType,
                             long violationValue)
        Logs violations of the designated type with the designated value, for instance the number of users concurrently logged on. This does not necessarily stop the checking service; this depends on the severity of the violation.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method and to retrieve the logging component.
        violationType - The type of the violation to be logged.
        violationValue - A value for the designated violation type for instance the number users concurrently logged on.
        Whether the violation is so severe that the logging service should stop immediately.
      • getUTCMidnight

        long getUTCMidnight​(long now)
        No longer required with java.time.
        Gets the time (in milliseconds) of midnight UTC of the day specified by the designated time (in milliseconds).
        now - The time in milliseconds of which to retrieve the corresponding previous midnight time UTC.
        The midnight time UTC of the designated time.
      • setViolationShutdown

        void setViolationShutdown​(SessionToken session,
                                  ADEPT2Service shutdownService)
        Sets the designated service to be the one to be shut down in case of severe licence violations.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method and to retrieve the setting component.
        shutdownService - The service to be shut down as soon as this licence manager detects a severe licence violation.