Interface LicenceInformation

  • public interface LicenceInformation
    Licence information.
    • Method Detail

      • getLicenceID

        int getLicenceID()
        Returns the ID of the licence.
        The licence ID.
      • getCustomerID

        String getCustomerID()
        Returns the customer ID.
        The ID of the customer.
      • getDistributorID

        String getDistributorID()
        Returns the ID of the distributor, or null if not applicable.
        The ID of the distributor, or null if not applicable.
      • getLicenceType

        String getLicenceType()
        Returns the licence type.
        The licence type.
      • getLicensee

        String getLicensee()
        Returns the name of the person or organisation to whom the licence has been issued, as it is displayed e.g. in the user interface.
        The licensee.
      • getMailAddresses

        List<String> getMailAddresses()
        Gets the mail addresses of the licensee. This addresses will be notified in case of severe licence violations.
        For very old licences this can be an empty collection.
        The mail addresses of the licensee which to notify in case of severe licence violations.
      • getRelaseName

        String getRelaseName()
        Gets the release name for which this licence applies.
        The release name for which this licence applies. This is never null.
      • getEdition

        String getEdition()
        Gets the name of the licensed edition.
        The name of the licensed edition. This is never null.
      • getVersion

        String getVersion()
        Use getRelaseName() instead.
        Returns the product version for which this licence has been issued.
        The product version for which this licence has been issued.
      • getActivationInterval

        int getActivationInterval()
        Gets the amount of days the licence needs to be activated. 0 indicates a licence without activation, 2147483647 a one-time activation.
        The amount of days the licence needs to be activated.
      • getTimeLimitStart

        Date getTimeLimitStart()
        Returns the start date from which the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
        The start date when the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
      • getTimeLimitEnd

        Date getTimeLimitEnd()
        Use getTimeLimit() instead.
        Returns the date until which the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
        The end date until when the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
      • getTimeLimit

        LocalDate getTimeLimit()
        Gets the date until the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
        The date until the licence is valid, or null if the usage time is not limited.
      • getTransactionLimit

        int getTransactionLimit()
        Returns the transactions which are allowed per day, or 0 if the daily transactions are not limited.
        The transactions which are allowed per day, or 0 if unlimited.
      • getKnownUserLimit

        int getKnownUserLimit()
        Returns the overall number of users which are allowed to be known by the product or 0 if there is no user limit.
        The overall number of users which are allowed to use the product or 0 if there is no user limit.
      • getUsingUserLimit

        int getUsingUserLimit()
        Returns the number of users which are allowed to be logged on concurrently or 0 if there is no user limit.
        The overall number of users which are allowed to be logged on concurrently or 0 if there is no user limit.
      • getIPAddressLimit

        int getIPAddressLimit()
        Use getIpAddressLimit() instead.
        Returns the IP address limit as integer or 0 if there is no limit
        The IP address limit as integer or 0 if there is no limit.
      • getIpAddressLimit

        byte[] getIpAddressLimit()
        Gets the IP address limit as byte[] or null if there is no limit
        The IP address limit as byte[] or null if there is no limit.
      • getIPAddressMask

        byte getIPAddressMask()
        Returns the mask value, or 0 if there is no mask or no limit.
        The mask value, or 0 if there is no mask or no limit.
      • getProcessTypeLimit

        String[] getProcessTypeLimit()
        Returns the names of the process types which are allowed for execution or null if unlimited.
        The names of the process types which are allowed for execution or null if unlimited.
      • isWebClientEnabled

        boolean isWebClientEnabled()
        Returns true, if the licence includes usage of the web client (server).
        True, if the licence includes usage of the web client (server).
      • isEscalationEnabled

        boolean isEscalationEnabled()
        Returns true, if the licence includes escalation.
        True, if the licence includes escalation.
      • getProducts

        Map<String,​Boolean> getProducts()
        Returns the names of the products (key) and if the usage is included in the licence (value).
        The products and if their usage is included in the licence.
      • isProcessFlexibilityEnabled

        boolean isProcessFlexibilityEnabled()
        Returns true, if the process flexibility option is licensed.
        True, if the process flexibility option is licensed.
      • getProcessFlexibiltyEnabledTemplates

        String[] getProcessFlexibiltyEnabledTemplates()
        Returns the names of the process types the process flexibility is enabled for (cf. isProcessFlexibilityEnabled()), or null the option is not limited. The return value has no meaning if the option is disabled.
        The names of the process types the process flexibility is enabled for, or null the option is not limited.
      • isRuntimeFlexibilityEnabled

        boolean isRuntimeFlexibilityEnabled()
        Returns true, if the runtime flexibility option is licensed.
        True, if the runtime flexibility option is licensed.
      • getRuntimeFlexibiltyEnabledTemplates

        String[] getRuntimeFlexibiltyEnabledTemplates()
        Returns the names of the process types the runtime flexibility is enabled for (cf. isRuntimeFlexibilityEnabled()), or null the option is not limited. The return value has no meaning if the option is disabled.
        The names of the process types the runtime flexibility is enabled for, or null the option is not limited.
      • getAdditions

        Map<String,​String> getAdditions()
        Returns additional licence attributes.
        Additional licence attributes.
      • getAdditionalFeatures

        String[] getAdditionalFeatures()
        Gets the included features which are additionally included besides the standard features of the licensed edition.
        The additionally included features besides the standard features of the licensed edition. If only the standard features are licensed, null will be returned.