Class ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider

  • public class ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider
    extends ConfigurationPropertyProvider
    A ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider provides the means to retrieve global properties and the variables to be substituted from system properties as well as the init parameter of a servlet configuration or of a servlet context.

    This class parses the following (static) properties from the system environment:

    This class parses the following properties from the init parameter of a servlet configuration or a servlet context:
    • arflow.logdir
    • arflow.datadir
    • arflow.libdir
    • arflow.useSunSecProvider
    • arflow.confurl
    • arflow.confdir
    • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource
    • arflow.confdir.runtime
    • arflow.configuration.bundle
    • arflow.debug.configuration
    • arflow.logging.keephandler
    If one of these is not set, it will be retrieved from the system properties.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider​(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
                                             throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding properties from the init parameter of the designated servlet configuration and the system properties.
        config - The servlet configuration providing the AristaFlow-properties
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables or the root configuration, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider​(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
                                             throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding properties from the init parameter of the designated servlet context and the system properties.
        context - The servlet context providing the AristaFlow-properties
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables or the root configuration, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • getProperties

        protected static Map<String,​String> getProperties​(javax.servlet.ServletConfig config)
        Parses and sets the global properties required for the AristaFlow-platform from the designated servlet configuration. Static properties and non-existing values will be retrieved from the system properties. The following properties are parsed from the system properties:
        The following properties are parsed from the servlet configuration or the system properties:
        • arflow.logdir
        • arflow.datadir
        • arflow.libdir
        • arflow.useSunSecProvider
        • arflow.confurl
        • arflow.confdir
        • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource
        • arflow.confdir.runtime
        • arflow.configuration.bundle
        • arflow.debug.configuration
        • arflow.logging.keephandler
        config - The servlet configuration which to parse.
        A map containing the global properties parsed from the designated servlet configuration as well as the system properties.
      • getProperties

        protected static Map<String,​String> getProperties​(javax.servlet.ServletContext context)
        Parses and sets the global properties required for the AristaFlow-platform from the designated servlet context. Static properties and non-existing values will be retrieved from the system properties. The following properties are parsed from the system properties:
        The following properties are parsed from the servlet context or the system properties:
        • arflow.logdir
        • arflow.datadir
        • arflow.libdir
        • arflow.useSunSecProvider
        • arflow.confurl
        • arflow.confdir
        • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource
        • arflow.confdir.runtime
        • arflow.configuration.bundle
        • arflow.debug.configuration
        • arflow.logging.keephandler
        context - The servlet context which to parse.
        A map containing the global properties parsed from the designated servlet context as well as the system properties.9
      • getProperties

        protected static Map<String,​String> getProperties​(Function<String,​String> propValue)
        Parses and sets the global properties required for the AristaFlow-platform using the designated function.. Static properties and non-existing values will be retrieved from the system properties. The following properties are parsed from the system properties:
        The following properties are parsed from the designated property provider:
        • arflow.logdir
        • arflow.datadir
        • arflow.libdir
        • arflow.useSunSecProvider
        • arflow.confurl
        • arflow.confdir
        • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource
        • arflow.confdir.runtime
        • arflow.configuration.bundle
        • arflow.debug.configuration
        • arflow.logging.keephandler
        propValue - The provider returning the property value for a specific property key.
        A map containing the global properties parsed from the designated servlet context as well as the system properties.