Class ConfigurationPropertyProvider

  • Direct Known Subclasses:
    ServletConfigurationPropertyProvider, SystemPropertyProvider

    public class ConfigurationPropertyProvider
    extends PropertyProvider
    This provider extends a normal PropertyProvider to support configuration directories as URLs to load configuration files from, a directory to write configurations changed at runtime to, a directory to write the logs to and boolean flags for whether to load configuration files from bundles (jar-files containing the AristaFlow-components), whether to use debug logging while bootstrapping and whether to keep the registered log handlers.
    For the configuration directories, one may either specify normal directories via arflow.confdir or a mixture of directories and URLs via arflow.confurl. If arflow.confurl is specified, arflow.confdir will be ignored. Note that arflow.confurl expects ";" as separator for the URLs while arflow.confdir expects the platform-dependent path separator (File.pathSeparator).

    The configuration directories (or URLs) may contain a reference to the configuration provided when bootstrapping ("$"). The provided configuration will apply at the corresponding place relative to the other configuration directories. This effectively splits the configuration directories into 2 parts: directories before the provided configuration and directories after the provided configuration.
    If no position is defined for the provided configuration, it will apply before the configuration directories. However, the first configuration to apply is the runtime configuration which persists configuration values set from within the platform (at runtime).

    This class parses the following property from the designated map (in parentheses the default value that will apply if the property is not set):

    • arflow.confurl
    • arflow.confdir (applies only if arflow.confurl not set, optional default ./conf)
    • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource (default: false)
    • arflow.confdir.runtime (default: "rtConf/" below arflow.datadir)
    • arflow.configuration.bundle (default: false)
    • arflow.debug.configuration (default: false)
      This property enables debug logging. First, there will be a console handler for ALL will log all log messages while logging is being initialised. It will stop after logging has been successfully established. Second, the complete configuration including all referenced configuration files will be printed to a FINE log message in the logger de.aristaflow.adept2.base.configuration.ConfigurationManager. So configure this logger appropriately if you want to have the configuration logged.
    • arflow.logging.keephandler (default: false)
      This property keeps the existing log handlers. Otherwise it removes all existing ones and only registers the ones configured for AristaFlow. This is necessary since the existing log handlers are usually rather inappropriate. For instance there is log handler picking all WARNING logs from all libraries which may be rather irrelevant.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ConfigurationPropertyProvider​(Map<String,​String> properties)
                                      throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding global properties from the designated map and/or sets the properties appropriately. If no configuration directory or URL is specified, ./conf will be used.
        properties - A map providing all required global properties and values for substituted variables.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables from the designated map, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • ConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ConfigurationPropertyProvider​(Map<String,​String> properties,
                                             String bundleConfigSubdir)
                                      throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding global properties from the designated map and/or sets the properties appropriately. If no configuration directory or URL is specified, ./conf will be used.
        properties - A map providing all required global properties and values for substituted variables.
        bundleConfigSubdir - The subdirectory below conf/ in the bundle configuration. This will only be used if the designated properties activate bundle configuration loading.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables from the designated map, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • ConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ConfigurationPropertyProvider​(Map<String,​String> properties,
                                             String bundleConfigSubdir,
                                             boolean defaultDsForRtConf)
                                      throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding global properties from the designated map and/or sets the properties appropriately. If no configuration directory or URL is specified, ./conf will be used.
        properties - A map providing all required global properties and values for substituted variables.
        bundleConfigSubdir - The subdirectory below conf/ in the bundle configuration. This will only be used if the designated properties activate bundle configuration loading.
        defaultDsForRtConf - The default value for whether to use the default data source for runtime configurations. This will ignored if present in the designated properties.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables from the designated map, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • ConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ConfigurationPropertyProvider​(Map<String,​String> properties,
                                             boolean useDefaultConfDir,
                                             boolean defaultDsForRtConf)
                                      throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding global properties from the designated map and/or sets the properties appropriately. If no configuration directory or URL is specified, ./conf will be used or not depending on the designated flag.
        properties - A map providing all required global properties and values for substituted variables.
        useDefaultConfDir - Whether ./conf should be used as default configuration directory in case no other configuration directory or URL is set.
        defaultDsForRtConf - The default value for whether to use the default data source for runtime configurations. This will ignored if present in the designated properties.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables from the designated map, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • ConfigurationPropertyProvider

        public ConfigurationPropertyProvider​(Map<String,​String> properties,
                                             boolean useDefaultConfDir,
                                             String bundleConfigSubdir,
                                             boolean defaultDsForRtConf)
                                      throws ConfigurationException
        Creates a new ConfigurationPropertyProvider and parses all corresponding global properties from the designated map and/or sets the properties appropriately. If no configuration directory or URL is specified, ./conf will be used or not depending on the designated flag.
        properties - A map providing all required global properties and values for substituted variables.
        useDefaultConfDir - Whether ./conf should be used as default configuration directory in case no other configuration directory or URL is set.
        bundleConfigSubdir - The subdirectory below conf/ in the bundle configuration. This will only be used if the designated properties activate bundle configuration loading.
        defaultDsForRtConf - The default value for whether to use the default data source for runtime configurations. This will ignored if present in the designated properties.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems retrieving a required global property or a substituted variables from the designated map, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • getConfDirs

        public List<URL> getConfDirs()
        Gets (an unmodifiable list containing) the configuration directory/directories of AristaFlow. If this is the empty list, it will mean to only use the provided configuration.
        Previous directories take precedence over later directories, that is configurations from previous directories will overwrite configurations (configuration values) from later ones.
        The configuration directory/directories of AristaFlow. If this is the empty list, it will mean to only use the provided configuration. Previous directories take precedence over later directories.
      • getBeforeConfDirs

        public List<URL> getBeforeConfDirs()
        Gets the configuration directories that apply before the provided configuration. This list may be empty.
        The configuration directories that apply before the provided configuration. This list will be empty if the provided configuration applies before other configuration directories.
      • getAfterConfDirs

        public List<URL> getAfterConfDirs()
        Gets the configuration directories that apply after the provided configuration. This list may be empty.
        The configuration directories that apply after the provided configuration. This list will be empty if the provided configuration applies after other configuration directories.
      • getUseDefDsForRtConf

        public boolean getUseDefDsForRtConf()
        Gets whether to use the default data source for the runtime configuration. Runtime configurations will be stored within the appropriate tables in the configured default data source.
        Whether to use the default data source for the runtime configuration.
      • getRuntimeConfDir

        public File getRuntimeConfDir()
        Gets the configuration directory for runtime configurations, that is configurations that may be changed at runtime. If this is not explicitly set, the subdirectory "rtConf" below arflow.datadir will be used.
        The configuration directory for runtime configurations, that is configurations that may be changed at runtime.
      • getBundleConfigSubdir

        public String getBundleConfigSubdir()
        Gets whether a file-based configuration manager should load a configuration from a bundle (that is a jar-file containing a configuration) and if so, from which subdirectory below conf/ in the jar-file. null indicates to not load the bundle configuration.
        Whether a file-based configuration manager should load a configuration from a configuration bundle (that is a jar-file containing a configuration) or not ( null) and from where below conf/ in the jar-file.
      • getDebugConfig

        public boolean getDebugConfig()
        Gets the global property which allows to enable the logging of the initialisation of the configuration.
        This property is needed before the GlobalProperties have been initialised.
        Whether to log the initialisation of the configuration.
      • getKeepLogHandler

        public boolean getKeepLogHandler()
        Gets the global property which allows to keep already registered log handlers in the logger hierarchy. Per default all log handlers are removed due to a bad default of the JVMs.
        This property is needed before the GlobalProperties have been initialised.
        Whether to keep the log handlers that are registered before bootstrapping.
      • initialiseProperties

        protected void initialiseProperties​(Map<String,​String> properties)
                                     throws ConfigurationException
        Initialises, checks and sets the values of the global properties as well as the substituted variables. The following properties are parsed from the designated map (with a default value where appropriate):
        • arflow.logdir (default: ./logs)
        • arflow.datadir (default: ./examples)
        • arflow.libdir (default: ./lib)
        • arflow.useSunSecProvider (default: false)
        • arflow.totalMemPerthousandStreamThreshold (default: 40)
        • arflow.skipClosing (default: false)
        • arflow.confVar.*
        The substituted variables will contain:
        • arflow.logdir (default: ./logs)
        • arflow.datadir (default: ./examples)
        • arflow.libdir (default: ./lib)
        • arflow.confVar.*
        Initialises, checks and sets the configuration directories and the required flags (bundle config, debug logging and keep registered log handlers). The following properties are parsed additionally to the superclass (with a default value where appropriate):
        • arflow.confurl
        • arflow.confdir (applies only if arflow.confurl not set)
        • arflow.configuration.runtime.defaultdatasource (default: false)
        • arflow.confdir.runtime (default: "rtConf/" below arflow.datadir)
        • arflow.configuration.bundle (default: false)
        • arflow.debug.configuration (default: false)
        • arflow.logging.keephandler (default: false)
        initialiseProperties in class PropertyProvider
        properties - The properties which to parse.
        ConfigurationException - Besides the overridden method, this method will throw a ConfigurationException if there are problems with the directory for the runtime configurations, for instance, it is not a directory or it can not be written to.
      • parseConfDirs

        protected List<URL> parseConfDirs​(String[] confs)
        Parses the designated configuration directories and splits them appropriately based on the position of the provided configuration. This position is removed from the returned list. The split information is set in the corresponding fields of this provider. All lists are in the appropriate order (reverse to the user provided order) and unmodifiable.
        confs - The configuration directories or URLs as provided by the user.
        The configuration directories or URLs as unmodifiable reversed URL list.
        See Also:
      • injectDefaultConfDir

        protected static Map<String,​String> injectDefaultConfDir​(boolean useDefaultConfDir,
                                                                       Map<String,​String> properties)
        Checks for whether the designated properties contain configuration URLs or configuration directories and adds the default configuration directory ./conf if neither are set and the default should be used.
        useDefaultConfDir - Whether to add the default configuration directory in case neither configuration URLs nor configuration directories are in the designated properties.
        properties - The properties in which to inject the default configuration directory if appropriate.
        The designated properties adapted appropriately. This may be a copy of the designated map!