Class WorklistModelTools

  • public class WorklistModelTools
    extends Object
    This class provides various tool methods for the worklist model.
    Ulrich Kreher
    • Constructor Detail

      • WorklistModelTools

        public WorklistModelTools()
    • Method Detail

      • renameL10nKeys

        public static Map<String,​PluginData> renameL10nKeys​(ExecutableBusinessProcessInstance ebpInstance)
        Renames the localisation keys from the designated EBP instance to be used for a WorklistItem. This creates a new map to be used as plugin data for a worklist item. Renaming is required since attributes with similar semantic have different names in EBP instances and worklist items.
        ebpInstance - The EBP instance from which to get the localisation.
        A map containing the localisation of the designated EBP instance transformed to the appropriate attribute names for a worklist item.
      • mergeTlpiLocalisation

        public static Map<String,​PluginData> mergeTlpiLocalisation​(Instance instance)
        Merges the localisation from the designated instance (and its template) for usage in a worklist item representing the designated top-level instance. This takes over the localisation for attributes from instances and templates to attributes of worklist items with similar semantic. This also includes a renaming of the attributes where appropriate.
        instance - The instance (and template) from which to get the localisation.
        A map containing the localisation of the designated instance (and its template) transformed to the appropriate attribute names for a worklist item representing the designated top-level instance.