Interface WorklistItem.Delegation

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static interface WorklistItem.Delegation
    extends Serializable
    This interface encapsulates all data relevant for a delegation, that is, the initiator of a delegation, whether the delegation has been due to absence and an optional comment for the delegation. It is therefore an object representation of a delegation history entry.
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        static final long serialVersionUID
        Generated ID for serialisation.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getDelegator

        QualifiedAgent getDelegator()
        Gets the agent who has initiated this delegation.
        The agent who has initiated this delegation explicitly or due to absence.
      • getRecipients

        Set<QualifiedAgent> getRecipients()
        Gets the recipients of the delegation, that is the agents to whom the worklist item is delegated. This set does not reflect the agent who actually accepts the delegation and performs the worklist item.
        The agents who receive the worklist item due to this delegation.
      • getComment

        String getComment()
        Gets the comment for this delegation, that is the comment that has been set by the delegator. If it has not been set, an empty string will be returned, if the delegation is due to absence of an agent, the comment will be null.
        The comment set by the delegating agent or an empty string in case the comment has not been set or null in case of a delegation due to substitution.