Class CachingIncWorklistUpdate

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    UserAttributeContainer, de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.ServerSideProxy, de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy, IncrementalWorklistUpdate, WorklistUpdate, Closeable, Serializable, AutoCloseable

    public class CachingIncWorklistUpdate
    extends Object
    implements IncrementalWorklistUpdate, de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
    This incremental worklist update implements a cache for the underlying incremental worklist update, that is, when iterating via getNext(int), all retrieved item updates will be cached. Previous item updates will always be retrieved from the cache. Note that a positioned next will add enough item updates to the cache to fulfil the request. As soon as all elements have been retrieved, the wrapped worklist update will be closed. Until then, retrieving already cached item updates will contact the underlying incremental worklist update to extend its alive time and adapt it to the alive time of this caching worklist update.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail

      • wrappedUpdate

        protected IncrementalWorklistUpdate wrappedUpdate
        The wrapped incremental worklist update of which all item updates will be cached. Note that the current cursor need not correspond to the current cursor of the underlying incremental worklist update. This will be null when the incremental worklist update has been closed.
      • lastCached

        protected int lastCached
        The index of the last item update that is in the cache. This corresponds to the current index of the wrapped incremental worklist update.
      • last

        protected int last
        The index of last item update in case it has been reached in the result set, -1 otherwise.
      • current

        protected int current
        The reference to the current item update which is to be retrieved next.
      • worklistId

        protected UUID worklistId
        The ID the worklist of the incremental worklist update. This will be null until first retrieved from the wrapped incremental worklist update.
      • sourceRevision

        protected WorklistRevision sourceRevision
        The source revision of the worklist update. This will be null until first retrieved from the wrapped incremental worklist update.
      • targetRevision

        protected Long targetRevision
        The target revision of the worklist update. This will be null until first retrieved from the wrapped incremental worklist update.
      • maxPriority

        protected Integer maxPriority
        The maximum priority of the worklist update. This will be null until first retrieved from the wrapped incremental worklist update.
      • cleanup

        protected transient Cleanup<RuntimeException> cleanup
        The clean-up for closing the wrapped update as post-mortem task for this instance.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CachingIncWorklistUpdate

        public CachingIncWorklistUpdate​(IncrementalWorklistUpdate wrappedUpdate,
                                        long initialAliveTime,
                                        long aliveTimeExtension,
                                        Logger logger)
        Creates a new caching incremental worklist update for the designated incremental worklist update.
        wrappedUpdate - The incremental worklist update of which the item updates should be cached as soon as they are iterated (with getNext(int)).
        initialAliveTime - The initial time in milliseconds this incremental worklist update remains available before automatically being closed.
        aliveTimeExtension - The time in milliseconds to extend the alive time when accessing this incremental worklist update.
        logger - The logger for logging exceptions from the wrapped update that cannot be forwarded or are irrelevant.
    • Method Detail

      • exit

        protected Long exit()
        Tracks exiting a method reentrant and possibly extends the alive time of the wrapped worklist update. This is required when retrieving cached data that does not access the wrapped update thus not extending the alive time of the wrapped worklist update possibly closing it before the alive time of this caching worklist update has elapsed.
        The possibly new remaining alive time in milliseconds or null in case the thread is still active and not exiting finally.
      • getCloseTime

        public long getCloseTime()
        Specified by:
        getCloseTime in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
      • setCloseTime

        public long setCloseTime​(long closeTime)
        Specified by:
        setCloseTime in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
      • isBusy

        public boolean isBusy()
        Specified by:
        isBusy in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
      • getRemainingAliveTime

        public long getRemainingAliveTime()
        Specified by:
        getRemainingAliveTime in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.ServerSideProxy
        Specified by:
        getRemainingAliveTime in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
      • keepAlive

        public long keepAlive​(long aliveTime)
                       throws IOException
        Specified by:
        keepAlive in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.ServerSideProxy
        Specified by:
        keepAlive in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.TimeTrackingSsProxy
      • getNext

        public List<WorklistItemUpdate<ClientWorklistItem>> getNext​(int count)
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        Gets the next specified amount of worklist item updates of this incremental worklist update.
        Be sure to call this method afterwards to release occupied memory and resources.
        Specified by:
        getNext in interface IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        count - The amount of worklist item updates to retrieve. This has to be > 0.
        The next n worklist item updates of this incremental worklist update, where n is the specified count. In case of an insufficient amount of next elements remaining only the available elements will be returned. If there are no more next elements, null will be returned.
      • getNext

        public List<WorklistItemUpdate<ClientWorklistItem>> getNext​(int count,
                                                                    int start)
        Gets the next specified amount of item updates of this incremental worklist update starting at the designated index (0-based). The returned data will be consistent within the returned list (but not necessarily with respect to previous or later retrievals) due to the usage of synchronisation.
        Afterwards the cursor to the current item update will be set to the index start + count, that is, getNext(n) will be the same as calling getNext(n, start + count).
        count - The amount of item updates to retrieve in forward direction. This has to be > 0.
        start - The index of the item update from which to retrieve the next count item updates. 0 is the index of the first item update . This has to be >= 0 and it must not be bigger than the amounts of item updates in this incremental worklist update.
        The next n item updates of this incremental worklist update, where n is the specified count. In case of an insufficient amount of next item updates remaining only the available item updates will be returned. If there are no more next item updates, null will be returned.
        IllegalArgumentException - If count is non-positive (<= 0) or start is negative (< 0) or it refers to an index that is bigger than the amount of item updates of this incremental worklist update, an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. The incremental worklist update will be reset to the first item update.
        IllegalStateException - If this incremental worklist update has been closed (explicitly or implicitly), an IllegalStateException will be thrown on server side.
      • getPrevious

        public List<WorklistItemUpdate<ClientWorklistItem>> getPrevious​(int count)
        Gets the previous specified amount of item updates of this incremental worklist update. The returned data will be consistent within the returned list (but not necessarily with respect to previous or later retrievals) due to the usage of synchronisation.
        count - The amount of item updates to retrieve in backward direction. This has to be > 0.
        The previous n item updates of this incremental worklist update, where n is the specified count. The order corresponds to the one in the underlying data structure, that is previous item updates in the returned list are also previous item updates in the data structure. In case of an insufficient amount of previous item updates remaining only the available item updates will be returned. If there are no more previous item updates, null will be returned.
        IllegalArgumentException - If this incremental worklist update does not have any previous item updates or count is non-positive (<= 0), an IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
        IllegalStateException - If this iterator has been closed (explicitly or implicitly), an IllegalStateException will be thrown on server side.
        de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.ServiceConnectionException - If this incremental worklist update has been closed (explicitly or implicitly), a ServiceConnectionException will be thrown on client side.
      • getAll

        public List<WorklistItemUpdate<ClientWorklistItem>> getAll()
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        Returns all updates, i.e. the differences from the source revision up to (and including) the target revision. The map contains all worklist items including the ones which are deleted since the source revision.

        The returned collection is unmodifiable.

        When compiling the individual recorded updates into a worklist update, the case when there are multiple recorded updates for the same worklist item (i.e. same ID, not necessarily same state) needs special attention. In this case the recorded updates need to be compressed, since a worklist update may only contain one update per worklist item. It is assumed, that every revision only contains one added, removed or changed worklist item. To compress these individual updates, only the first (since the source revision) and the last recorded update of a certain worklist item need to be considered: The state of the client worklist item (which is the key of the map), is the state at the time of its last update.
        The WorklistConstants.WorklistItemUpdateType (which is the value in the map) is determined by looking at the type of the first and the last recorded update for that item. The following shows the relevant combinations and their results.

        How different worklist item update types aggregate.
        type of first recorded update type of last recorded update resulting update type
        Other combinations don't make any sense and therefore shouldn't occur. If there's only one recorded update for an item use that update's type. After calling this method once, this incremental worklist update will be closed. You will not be able to use it again, that is, every method will throw an IllegalStateException.
        Specified by:
        getAll in interface IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        Specified by:
        getAll in interface WorklistUpdate
        The updates / differences between source and target revision.
      • close

        public void close()
        Description copied from interface: IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        Explicitly closes this worklist update which allows to release occupied memory and resources. Closing will be done implicitly after the worklist update has been retrieved completely by calling IncrementalWorklistUpdate.getAll() once. When retrieving incrementally, be sure to call this method afterwards to release occupied memory and resources.
        This method may be called several times. Implementors have to take care of this.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface Closeable
        Specified by:
        close in interface IncrementalWorklistUpdate
        Specified by:
        close in interface de.aristaflow.adept2.model.communication.ServerSideProxy
      • closeWrapped

        protected void closeWrapped​(boolean closeThis)
        Closes the wrapped incremental worklist update either since it is explicitly closed or the cache contains all items and the wrapped incremental worklist update is no longer required.
        closeThis - Whether to close this caching incremental worklist update or only the wrapped incremental worklist update. This affects whether the cached fields will be set or not.