AbstractActivityModelParameter |
This interface unifies the methods of an ActivityModelParameter
used with inheritance (in the GUI) as well as for storage.
AbstractActivityTemplateDefinition |
This interface unifies the methods of an
ActivityTemplateDefinition used with inheritance (in the GUI) as
well as for storage.
AbstractConfigurationSet |
This interface unifies the methods of a ConfigurationSet
used with inheritance (in the GUI) as well as for storage.
AbstractExecutableComponentDescription |
This interface unifies the methods of an
ExecutableComponentDescription used with inheritance (in the
GUI) as well as for storage.
AbstractOperation |
This interface unifies the methods of an Operation used with
inheritance (in the GUI) as well as for storage.
AbstractParameterTemplate |
This interface unifies the methods of a ParameterTemplate
used with inheritance (in the GUI) as well as for storage.
ActivityModelParameter |
An ActivityModelParameter resembles a Parameter by
additional information needed in the activity model.
ActivityTemplate |
An ActivityTemplate represents the object that is finally
assigned (dragged) to a process node; it is a self-contained artificial
vessel to transport all relevant information to the process model.
ActivityTemplateDefinition |
ActivityTemplateDefinition s are located below
Operation s, that is, they override the attributes of operations.
ATDReference |
The lightweight representation of an ActivityTemplateDefinition
for usage in the activity repository.
ATParameter |
An ATParameter extends a Parameter by additional
information needed when assigning (dragging) an activity (template
definition) to a process node.
ATParameterTemplate |
An ATParameterTemplate represents a
ParameterTemplate but only provides the information needed when
assigning (dragging) an activity (template definition) to a process node.
ChangeableIconDescriptor |
This interface extends IconDescriptor by the means to change
its attributes.
ChangeableResourceDescriptor |
This interface extends ResourceDescriptor by the means to change
its attributes.
ConfigurationSet |
A ConfigurationSet is a collection of configurations,
configuration descriptions as well as a few other attributes.
CSReference |
The lightweight representation of a ConfigurationSet for usage
in the activity repository.
ECDReference |
The lightweight representation of an
ExecutableComponentDescription for usage in the activity
ExecutableComponentDescription |
An ExecutableComponentDescription is the logical counterpart of
the physical entity that is called at runtime, the
"ExecutableComponent ".
Identifier |
The identifier is used to uniquely describe the usage of a data type, e.g.
InheritedActivityConfiguration |
This interface extends the InheritedConfiguration by the means
to retrieve configuration values from input parameters and process
InheritedCollection |
This interface represents a collection that supports inheritance.
InheritedConfiguration |
This interface resembles a ChangeableConfiguration by the means
for inheritance.
InheritedConfigurationDescription |
This interface resembles a ChangeableConfigurationDescription
but extends it by the means for inheritance.
Operation |
OperationReference |
The lightweight representation of an Operation for usage in the
activity repository.
ParameterTemplate |
Generic operations allow to add parameters.
StorageActivityConfiguration |
This interface provides the means to store an
InheritedActivityConfiguration by using very simple data
structures while simultaneously providing all information needed for
inheritance and overriding.
StorageActivityModelParameter |
This interface provides the means to store an
ActivityModelParameter which is supported by not inheriting any
attributes from a parent parameter (in contrast to the interface
ActivityModelParameter .
StorageActivityTemplateDefinition |
This interface provides the means to store an
ActivityTemplateDefinition which is supported by not inheriting
any attributes from a parent parameter (in contrast to the interface
ActivityTemplateDefinition .
StorageConfiguration |
This interface provides the means to store a
InheritedConfiguration by using very simple data structures
while simultaneously providing all information needed for inheritance and
StorageConfigurationDescription |
This interface provides the means to store a
InheritedConfigurationDescription by using very simple data
structures while simultaneously providing all information needed for
inheritance and overriding.
StorageConfigurationSet |
This interface provides the means to store an
ActivityModelParameter which is supported by not inheriting any
attributes from a parent parameter (in contrast to the interface
ActivityModelParameter .
StorageExecutableComponentDescription |
This interface provides the means to store an
ExecutableComponentDescription which is supported by not
inheriting any attributes from a parent parameter (in contrast to the
interface ExecutableComponentDescription .
StorageOperation |
This interface provides the means to store an Operation which is
supported by not inheriting any attributes from a parent parameter (in
contrast to the interface Operation .
StorageParameterTemplate |
This interface provides the means to store
ParameterTemplate which is supported by not inheriting any
attributes from a parent parameter template (in contrast to the interface
ParameterTemplate .