Interface GlobalConfiguration

  • All Known Subinterfaces:

    public interface GlobalConfiguration
    The global configuration manages the system wide configuration of executable components and applications. Global configurations are identified by a namespace that allows to group activities together. Therefore the namespaces resemble configuration sets, however they are applied at runtime and the namespace may be different form the configuration set name.
    Just like configuration sets the namespaces allow to group activity templates. However, namespaces are located at top-level, that is above ExecutableComponentDescriptions. Additionally, activity templates of different configuration sets may have the same configuration namespace (and vice versa).
    Activities need to have a valid configuration namespace to support runtime configurations; without a configuration namespace no runtime configurations will apply. Namespaces are created just by providing a (test) configuration for it (or for executable component descriptions or operations or activities).

    The overriding at runtime takes place as following:

    • configuration of the activity as specified in the corresponding process template
    • configuration for the whole configuration namespace from the global configuration
    • configuration for the whole configuration namespace from the local configuration
    • configuration for the executable component description from the corresponding namespace from the global configuration
    • configuration for the executable component description from the corresponding namespace from the local configuration
    • configuration for the operationName (fully qualified, including the name of the corresponding executable component description) from the namespace from the global configuration
    • configuration for the operationName (fully qualified, including the name of the corresponding executable component description) from the namespace from the local configuration
    • configuration for the activity (fully qualified, including the name of the corresponding executable component description and operationName) from the namespace from the global configuration
    • configuration for the activity (fully qualified, including the name of the corresponding executable component description and operationName) from the namespace from the local configuration

    Implementations should prevent arbitrary users from setting a configuration. This should only be allowed for a well-defined set of agents. Setting by invalid agents should lead to a ServiceAccessControlException.

    • Method Detail

      • getNamespaces

        Set<String> getNamespaces​(SessionToken session)
        Gets all namespaces for which configurations are defined for this global configuration (provider).
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        All namespaces for which configurations are defined for this global configuration (provider).
      • getNamespacesIterator

        RemoteIterator<List<String>> getNamespacesIterator​(SessionToken session)
        The same as getNamespaces(SessionToken) but with partial retrieval of the entities.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        All namespaces for which configurations are defined for this global configuration (provider) as iterator. The caller is responsible for closing.
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                       String namespace)
        Gets the global configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the (namespace-global) configuration.
        The global configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated namespace is not defined or does not have a global configuration.
      • getTestConfiguration

        Configuration getTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                           String namespace)
        Gets the global test configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace. This needs to be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entities.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the (namespace-global) test configuration.
        The (namespace-global) test configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated namespace is not defined or does not have a global test configuration.
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                       String namespace,
                                       String ecName)
        Gets the configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the configuration for the designated executable component description.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description for which to retrieve the configuration.
        The configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated executable component description or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global configuration.
      • getTestConfiguration

        Configuration getTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                           String namespace,
                                           String ecName)
        Gets the test configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace. This needs to be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entities.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the test configuration for the designated executable component description.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        The test configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated executable component description or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global test configuration.
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                       String namespace,
                                       String ecName,
                                       String operationName)
        Gets the configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the configuration for the designated operationName.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the operationName for which to retrieve the configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName for which to retrieve the configuration.
        The configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated operationName or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global configuration.
      • getTestConfiguration

        Configuration getTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                           String namespace,
                                           String ecName,
                                           String operationName)
        Gets the test configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace. This needs to be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entity.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the test configuration for the designated operationName.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the operationName for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        The test configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated operationName or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global test configuration.
      • getConfiguration

        Configuration getConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                       String namespace,
                                       String ecName,
                                       String operationName,
                                       String activityName)
        Gets the configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the configuration for the designated activity.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the activity for which to retrieve the configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName of the activity for which to retrieve the configuration.
        activityName - The name of the activity for which to retrieve the configuration.
        The configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated activity or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global configuration.
      • getTestConfiguration

        Configuration getTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                           String namespace,
                                           String ecName,
                                           String operationName,
                                           String activityName)
        Gets the test configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace. This needs to be merged with the corresponding normal configuration.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to retrieve the test configuration for the designated activity.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the activity for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName of the activity for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        activityName - The name of the activity for which to retrieve the test configuration.
        The test configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace or null in case the designated activity or the namespace is not defined or does not have a global test configuration.
      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                              String namespace,
                              Configuration configuration)
        Sets the global configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the (namespace-global) configuration.
        configuration - The global configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the configuration.
      • setTestConfiguration

        void setTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                  String namespace,
                                  Configuration configuration)
        Sets the global test configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one. This will be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entities.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the (namespace-global) test configuration.
        configuration - The (namespace-global) test configuration for all activities of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the test configuration.
      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                              String namespace,
                              String ecName,
                              Configuration configuration)
        Sets the configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the configuration for the designated executable component description.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description for which to set the configuration.
        configuration - The configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the configuration.
      • setTestConfiguration

        void setTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                  String namespace,
                                  String ecName,
                                  Configuration configuration)
        Sets the test configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one. This will be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entities.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the test configuration for the designated executable component description.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description for which to set the test configuration.
        configuration - The test configuration for all activities of the designated executable component description of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the test configuration.
      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                              String namespace,
                              String ecName,
                              String operationName,
                              Configuration configuration)
        Sets the configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the configuration for the designated operationName.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the operationName for which to set the configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName for which to set the configuration.
        configuration - The configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the configuration.
      • setTestConfiguration

        void setTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                  String namespace,
                                  String ecName,
                                  String operationName,
                                  Configuration configuration)
        Sets the test configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one. This will be merged with the corresponding normal configuration and afterwards with the (test) configurations of the child entity.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the test configuration for the designated operationName.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the operationName for which to set the test configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName for which to set the test configuration.
        configuration - The test configuration for all activities of the designated operationName of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the test configuration.
      • setConfiguration

        void setConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                              String namespace,
                              String ecName,
                              String operationName,
                              String activityName,
                              Configuration configuration)
        Sets the configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the configuration for the designated activity.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the activity for which to set the configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName of the activity for which to set the configuration.
        activityName - The name of the activity for which to set the configuration.
        configuration - The configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the configuration.
      • setTestConfiguration

        void setTestConfiguration​(SessionToken session,
                                  String namespace,
                                  String ecName,
                                  String operationName,
                                  String activityName,
                                  Configuration configuration)
        Sets the test configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace to the designated one. This will be merged with the corresponding normal configuration.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        namespace - The configuration namespace for which to set the test configuration for the designated activity.
        ecName - The name of the executable component description of the activity for which to set the test configuration.
        operationName - The name of the operationName of the activity for which to set the test configuration.
        activityName - The name of the activity for which to set the test configuration.
        configuration - The test configuration for the designated activity of the designated configuration namespace or null to unset the test configuration.