Class DBActivityEventSource

    • Constructor Detail

      • DBActivityEventSource

        public DBActivityEventSource​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration conf,
                                     DefaultEventManager eventManager,
                                     Registry registry)
                              throws ConfigurationException
        Default constructor for a plugin of the DefaultEventManager called by a service registry.
        conf - The configuration as provided from the registry. This is not expected to contain the simple session context of the activity of this event source.
        eventManager - The event manager this event source is a plugin of.
        registry - The registry of this plugin.
        ConfigurationException - If the configuration is not valid for a ResultSetEvent, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
    • Method Detail

      • setConfiguration

        protected void setConfiguration​(org.apache.commons.configuration2.Configuration conf,
                                        boolean completed)
                                 throws ConfigurationException
        Sets the internal fields according to the values of the designated configuration. Note that this method is called from the constructor and therefore this object may not be fully initialised! Sets the configuration by retrieving the session context from it and setting the fields according to the session context. This incorporates overwriting the existing configuration with the values from the activity configuration.
        setConfiguration in class DBEventSource
        conf - The configuration from which to get the configuration values.
        completed - Whether the configuration is complete after this setting and therefore the values should be verified.
        ConfigurationException - If there are problems with the configuration, for instance the configuration does not provide required values, a ConfigurationException may be thrown.