Interface UDFExecution

  • public interface UDFExecution
    The execution of user-defined functions (UDFs) is carried out by this interface. It distinguishes the functions with respect to their return type and maps it to the corresponding Java-type (void, long, String,...).
    • Method Detail

      • executeVoidFunction

        void executeVoidFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                 UDTValue proxy,
                                 String functionName)
                          throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the VOID-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeIntegerFunction

        long executeIntegerFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                    UDTValue proxy,
                                    String functionName)
                             throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting long value. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the INTEGER-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as long.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeFloatFunction

        double executeFloatFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                    UDTValue proxy,
                                    String functionName)
                             throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting double value. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the FLOAT-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as double.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeBooleanFunction

        boolean executeBooleanFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                       UDTValue proxy,
                                       String functionName)
                                throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting boolean value. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the BOOLEAN-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as boolean.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeStringFunction

        String executeStringFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                     UDTValue proxy,
                                     String functionName)
                              throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting string. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the STRING-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as string.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeURIFunction

        URI executeURIFunction​(SessionToken session,
                               UDTValue proxy,
                               String functionName)
                        throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting reference. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the URI-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as URI.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeUDTFunction

        UDTValue executeUDTFunction​(SessionToken session,
                                    UDTValue proxy,
                                    String functionName)
                             throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting UDT-value. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the UDT-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as UDT-value. The caller is responsible for closing.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.
      • executeUDTFunctionIncrementally

        ServerUDTInputStream executeUDTFunctionIncrementally​(SessionToken session,
                                                             UDTValue proxy,
                                                             String functionName)
                                                      throws UDFNotRegisteredException,
        Executes the designated user-defined function for the designated value of a UDT and returns the resulting UDT-value as ServerUDTInputStream. The function has to be registered for the UDT of the designated value, otherwise a UDFNotRegisteredException will be thrown. There may also be an exception caused by the execution of the UDF which is signalled by a UDFException.
        The server input stream does not provide the complete content of the underlying resource but a proxy object requesting the content incrementally when transfered via the communication.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        proxy - (A proxy for) the value of the UDT which the UDT-UDF is executed with. The caller is responsible for closing.
        functionName - The name of the UDF to execute for the designated UDT-value.
        The return value as ServerUDTInputStream, that is, clients do not retrieve all of the content of the stream at once but incrementally. The caller is responsible for closing.
        UDFNotRegisteredException - If the designated function is not registered for the user-defined data type of the designated value, an UDFNotRegisteredException will be raised.
        UDFException - If the executed user-defined function fails, the corresponding exceptions will be wrapped and propagated by a UDFException.