Interface RemoteExecutionClientService

    • Method Detail

      • getRemoteSynchronousActivityStarting

        Pair<SynchronousActivityStarting,​Boolean> getRemoteSynchronousActivityStarting​(EBPInstanceReference activity)
                                                                                      throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Gets the interface for (synchronous) start operations of the designated activity independently from the execution manager holding the activity and the local runtime manager. This is similar to WorklistClientService.getSynchronousActivityStarting(EBPInstanceReference) but allows implementations to choose a specific runtime manager. For instance it may be desired to execute all HTML-activities on a specific central runtime manager.
        This is a convenience method for getRuntimeManager().getSynchronousActivityStarting() for a specific runtime manager. It may only be called when online.

        This method needs not be implemented and may return null! In this case use WorklistClientService.getActivityStarting(EBPInstanceReference).

        activity - The activity for which to retrieve the corresponding (synchronous) start interface of the appropriate runtime manager.
        An interface allowing to perform (synchronous) start operations on the designated activity and whether this refers to a remote activity starting. In this case the corresponding GUI has to be registered appropriately since the remote runtime manager cannot register it at the local client.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If the runtime manager for the designated activity cannot be retrieved, a ServiceNotKnownException will be thrown.
        See Also:
      • getRemoteGUIManager

        RemoteGUIManager getRemoteGUIManager()
                                      throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Gets the GUI manager for creating local GUI contexts for the GUI contexts that are transferred from a remotely executed activity. This GUI manager creates an appropriate local GUI context and usually handles the closing of this local GUI context which depends on the state of the remotely executed activity.
        The GUI manager for creating local GUI contexts the GUI contexts that are transferred from a remotely executed activity.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If no remote GUI manager is available for this client, a ServicNotKnownException will be thrown. Usually this indicates a wrong configuration or the normal GUI manager of this client being unable to provide such local GUI contexts for remotely executed activities.