Interface LocalExecutionClientService

    • Method Detail

      • getProcessModelFactory

        ProcessModelFactory getProcessModelFactory()
        CL_ARCH client service documentation
        The process model factory for this client
      • getRuntimeEnvironmentFactory

        RuntimeEnvironmentFactory getRuntimeEnvironmentFactory()
        Gets the anonymous instance of the runtime environment factory using the classloader of this registry.
        The anonymous instance of the runtime environment factory.
        InvalidServiceStateException - If this registry failed to start or is shut down, an InvalidServiceStateException will be thrown.
      • getExecutionControlManager

        ExecutionControlManager getExecutionControlManager​(EBPInstanceReference activity)
        Gets the execution control manager for the designated activity. The execution control manager allows to control the execution of the running activity independently from where it is running.
        activity - The activity for which to retrieve the execution control manager of the appropriate runtime manager.
        A manager allowing to control the execution of the designated activity independently from where the execution is located.
        See Also:
      • getAutoStartRuntimeManager

        URI[] getAutoStartRuntimeManager()
        Gets the URIs of the runtime manager for autostarting. Use this for starting a new instance thus allowing to autostart the first activity. In this case the first activity will be automatically started on the designated runtime manager right after instantiation.
        The URIs of the runtime manager for autostarting.
      • getExecutionManagerForActivity

        ExecutionManager getExecutionManagerForActivity​(EBPInstanceReference ebpInstanceReference)
        Returns a reference to the execution manager that is responsible for the designated activity. If there is no running Execution Manager for the given activity an new one is created and registered with the URI provided by the Activity.
        ebpInstanceReference - identifies the activity
        The execution manager which is requested or null in case it could not be retrieved.
        InvalidServiceStateException - If this registry failed to start or is shut down, an InvalidServiceStateException will be thrown.
        IllegalArgumentException - If one of the registered URIs is not valid, a IllegalArgumentException will be thrown.
      • getProcessManagerForInstanceId

        ProcessManager getProcessManagerForInstanceId​(UUID instId)
        This uses the default execution manager. In case of several ones, it may be the wrong one. Strongly try to use getProcessManagerForInstanceId(URI[], UUID).
        Gets the process manager that is responsible for the instance with the designated (logical) ID.
        instId - The (logical) ID of the instance for which to retrieve the corresponding process manager. This is resolved using the default execution manager.
        The process manager handling the designated instance ID or null in case it could not be retrieved.
        InvalidServiceStateException - If this registry failed to start or is shut down, an InvalidServiceStateException will be thrown.
      • getProcessManagerForInstanceId

        ProcessManager getProcessManagerForInstanceId​(URI[] emUris,
                                                      UUID instId)
        Gets the process manager that is responsible for the instance with the designated (logical) ID being executed on the designated execution manager.
        emUris - The URIs of the execution manager executing the instance with the designated ID.
        instId - The (logical) ID of the instance for which to retrieve the corresponding process manager. This is resolved using the designated execution manager.
        The process manager handling the designated instance ID or null in case it could not be retrieved (or the corresponding execution manager).
        InvalidServiceStateException - If this registry failed to start or is shut down, an InvalidServiceStateException will be thrown.
      • getProcessManagerForInstanceLogId

        ProcessManager getProcessManagerForInstanceLogId​(URI[] emUris,
                                                         UUID instLogId)
        Gets the process manager that is responsible for the instance with the designated (internal) ID being executed on the designated execution manager.
        emUris - The URIs of the execution manager executing the instance with the designated ID.
        instLogId - The (internal) ID of the instance for which to retrieve the corresponding process manager. This is resolved using the designated execution manager.
        The process manager handling the designated instance ID or null in case it could not be retrieved (or the corresponding execution manager).
        InvalidServiceStateException - If this registry failed to start or is shut down, an InvalidServiceStateException will be thrown.
      • getExecutionHistory

        ExecutionHistory getExecutionHistory()
        Gets the execution history.

        FIXME: the execution history is actually specific to a process manager, i.e. each p.m. can have its own execution history.

        the execution history
      • getActivityStarting

        ActivityStarting getActivityStarting​(EBPInstanceReference activity)
        Gets the interface for (asynchronous) start operations of the designated activity independently from the execution manager holding the activity.
        This is a convenience method for getExecutionManager().getActivityStarting() except that the returned interface also sets the appropriate RuntimeManager-URIs. It may only be called when online.
        activity - The activity for which to retrieve the corresponding (asynchronous) start interface of the appropriate execution manager.
        An interface allowing to perform (asynchronous) start operations on the designated activity.
        See Also:
      • getSynchronousActivityStarting

        SynchronousActivityStarting getSynchronousActivityStarting​(EBPInstanceReference activity)
        Gets the interface for (synchronous) start operations of the designated activity independently from the execution manager holding the activity. Synchronous activity starting allows to wait until the application has been fully initialised including its GUI. Afterwards the GUI is returned to the starting component.
        This is a convenience method for getRuntimeManager().getSynchronousActivityStarting(). It may only be called when online.

        This method needs not be implemented and may return null! In this case use getActivityStarting(EBPInstanceReference).

        activity - The activity for which to retrieve the corresponding (synchronous) start interface of the appropriate runtime manager.
        An interface allowing to perform (synchronous) start operations on the designated activity.
        See Also:
      • getGUIManager

        GUIManager getGUIManager()
        Gets the GUI manager responsible for synchronising the currently selected element in the GUI. This allows to for instance to select a worklist entry and the corresponding application is set visible and in the foreground.
        A GUI manager providing the means to synchronise on the currently selected element.
      • getRuntimeService

        RuntimeService getRuntimeService()
        Gets the runtime service for this client service allowing to execute activities directly by the caller and not in a runtime manager. The caller has complete responsibility for the execution of the activity!
        The runtime service for this client service allowing to execute activities directly by the caller and not in a runtime manager.
      • getResModelExplorer

        de.aristaflow.adept2.core.resmodelmanager.ResModelExplorer getResModelExplorer()