Class ConvertActivityTemplateToActivity

  • public class ConvertActivityTemplateToActivity
    extends Object
    Helper class for the conversion of an activity template to an activity
    Martin Jurisch, Kevin Goeser
    • Field Detail

      • logger

        protected static final Logger logger
        the logger for this class
    • Constructor Detail

      • ConvertActivityTemplateToActivity

        public ConvertActivityTemplateToActivity()
    • Method Detail

      • performConversion

        public static Activity performConversion​(ProcessModelFactory pmf,
                                                 SessionToken session,
                                                 ActivityTemplate at,
                                                 String instanceName)
        converts an activity template to an activity
        pmf - The process model factory needed to create the activity
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        at - the template to convert
        instanceName - the instance name for the registry
        the activity (respectively its super class object)
      • convertTemplateParameters

        public static void convertTemplateParameters​(ProcessModelFactory pmf,
                                                     ActivityTemplate activityTemplate,
                                                     Collection<ProcessModelParameter> inParameters,
                                                     Collection<ProcessModelParameter> outParameters)
        Converts the "activity model parameters" of the template to "process model parameters" for the instance.
        pmf - The process model factory to use
        activityTemplate - The template whose parameters are to convert
        inParameters - The set to add the input parameters to
        outParameters - The set to add the output parameters to