Class RegistryWrapper

    • Field Detail

      • clusterName

        protected final String clusterName
        The name of the cluster the component/service which uses this wrapper belongs to.
      • nodeName

        protected final String nodeName
        The unique name of the node this registry and the using service belong to.
      • hierInstName

        protected final String hierInstName
        The name of the component/service which uses this wrapper.
      • earlyService

        protected final boolean earlyService
        Whether the component/service using this wrapper is an early service for which initially only the local security manager is available.
      • registry

        protected final LocalServiceRegistry registry
        The registry to which the requests are forwarded.
      • modelFactoryRegistry

        protected final InstanceToInstanceRegistry modelFactoryRegistry
        The model factory registry for this wrapping registry.
      • modelViewerProvider

        protected final ModelViewerProvider modelViewerProvider
        The provider for retrieving model views.
    • Constructor Detail

      • RegistryWrapper

        protected RegistryWrapper​(String clusterName,
                                  String nodeName,
                                  SerialisablePair<String,​String> release,
                                  String hierInstName,
                                  boolean earlyService,
                                  LocalServiceRegistry registry,
                                  InstanceToInstanceRegistry modelFactoryRegistry,
                                  ModelViewerProvider modelViewerProvider)
        Creates a new wrapper for wrapping a service registry and the name of a component/service instance.
        clusterName - The name of the cluster the component/service which uses this wrapper belongs to.
        nodeName - The unique name of the node this registry and the using service belong to.
        release - The release of the bootstrap registry.
        hierInstName - The name of the component/service which uses this wrapper.
        earlyService - Whether the component/service is an early service for which initially only the local security manager is available.
        registry - The registry to which the requests are forwarded.
        modelFactoryRegistry - The model factory registry for this wrapping registry.
        modelViewerProvider - The provider for retrieving model views.
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceOfType

        public <T extends ADEPT2Service> T getServiceOfType​(SessionToken session,
                                                            String serviceTypeName,
                                                            Class<T> serviceType)
                                                     throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Returns the service instance of the designated service type which is configured for usage by this (the requesting) service instance. If no special service instance is configured for usage, the default instance of the requested service type will be returned.
        Specified by:
        getServiceOfType in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type which the requested service is expected to be of. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and either the registered service type or a super type hereof.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        serviceTypeName - The type name of the requested service. Refer to ComponentTypes and BaseConstants for valid predefined service type names. Other service type names are also valid if the corresponding services are configured appropriately. ADEPT2Service and the interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        serviceType - The type of the requested service. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and the interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        The requested service (or a service stub). The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the service is not configured properly,
        • the service cannot be created or started,
        • a required service is not configured properly or cannot be started,
        • the creation of a required service object fails,
        • the service does not fulfil the ADEPT2Service -interface appropriately,
        • an exception is thrown while creating or starting a required service,
        a ServiceNotKnownException will be thrown. This may encapsulate a ConfigurationException or an AbortServiceException.
      • getModelFactory

        public <T> T getModelFactory​(String modelFactoryName,
                                     Class<T> modelFactoryType)
                              throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Gets the designated model factory registry.
        Specified by:
        getModelFactory in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the requested model factory registry.
        modelFactoryName - The name of the requested model factory. Use the names declared in ModelRegistryConstants. No other model factory registries need to exist.
        modelFactoryType - The type of the requested model factory registry.
        The requested model factory registry. The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the requested model factory registry is not configured properly,
        • the requested model factory registry cannot be created,
        a ServiceNotKnownException wrapping a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • getModelViewerClass

        public Class<?> getModelViewerClass​(String pluginID)
        Description copied from interface: ModelViewerProvider
        Gets the model viewer class for the designated plugin ID that allows type-save access to plugin data at model elements. If there is no model viewer configured for the designated plugin ID, null will be returned. This ID usually equals the ID of the (service-) plugin that uses the model viewer.
        Specified by:
        getModelViewerClass in interface ModelViewerProvider
        pluginID - The ID of the plugin for which to retrieve a model viewer, this ID is usually the same ID as the one of the (service-) plugin using the plugin data.
        The model viewer class for the designated plugin ID or null in case there is no model viewer for the designated plugin ID configured.
      • getConfiguredPluginTypes

        public Map<String,​Class<?>> getConfiguredPluginTypes​(SessionToken session)
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Retrieves all plugin types declared for the instance using this interface.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredPluginTypes in interface ServiceAccess
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        All plugin types (names and corresponding classes) declared for the instance using this interface. This map may be empty.
      • getConfiguredPlugin

        public <T> T getConfiguredPlugin​(SessionToken session,
                                         Object usingInstance,
                                         String pluginTypeName,
                                         Class<T> componentType)
                                  throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Retrieves the default plugin of the designated type which is configured for the designated (using) instance. This is the same as ServiceAccess.getConfiguredPlugin(SessionToken, Object, String, Class, String) except that the default plugin instance is used, that is the first configured one. Therefore this will not be a runtime plugin.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredPlugin in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the requested plugin.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        usingInstance - The instance which is using the plugin and which is provided in to the plugin when creating it. This allows the plugin to access the instance it extends.
        pluginTypeName - The component type of the plugin instance to be retrieved for usage. This may neither be null nor the empty string. The type name is specified in the configuration.
        componentType - The type of the requested plugin.
        The requested plugin instance. The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the plugin type is not configured for the designated object,
        • the plugin is not configured properly,
        • the creation or the initialisation of the plugin instance fails,
        a ServiceNotKnownException wrapping a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • getConfiguredPlugins

        public <T> Map<String,​T> getConfiguredPlugins​(SessionToken session,
                                                            Object usingInstance,
                                                            String pluginTypeName,
                                                            Class<T> pluginType)
                                                     throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Retrieves all plugin instances (pre-configured and dynamic) of the designated plugin type. A new plugin instance will be created if an instance is not singleton or it has not been instantiated before.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredPlugins in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The plugin type of the requested instances.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        usingInstance - The instance which is using the plugins and which is provided to the plugins when creating them. This allows the plugins to access the instance it extends.
        pluginTypeName - The component type of the plugin instance to be retrieved for usage. This may neither be null nor the empty string. The type name is specified in the configuration.
        pluginType - The type of the requested plugin.
        The requested plugin instances, indexed by their instance id. This map may be empty.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the plugin type is not configured for the designated object,
        • the configuration of a plugin instance does not provide required configuration values,
        • a plugin is not configured properly,
        • the creation or the initialisation of a plugin instance fails,
        a ServiceNotKnownException will be thrown.
      • getConfiguredPlugin

        public <T> T getConfiguredPlugin​(SessionToken session,
                                         Object usingInstance,
                                         String pluginTypeName,
                                         Class<T> componentType,
                                         String pluginInstanceName)
                                  throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Retrieves the plugin having the designated type and instance name as well as type and which is configured for the designated (using) instance. The designated using instance need to support plugins of the requested type. The plugin may be configured in the server/client configuration or it may be a runtime plugin that is found (together with its configuration) when requested. A new plugin instance will be created if the instance is not singleton or it has not been instantiated before.
        Specified by:
        getConfiguredPlugin in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the requested plugin.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        usingInstance - The instance which is using the plugin and which is provided in to the plugin when creating it. This allows the plugin to access the instance it extends.
        pluginTypeName - The component type of the plugin instance to be retrieved for usage. This may neither be null nor the empty string. The type name is specified in the configuration.
        componentType - The type of the requested plugin.
        pluginInstanceName - The simple name of the plugin instance to retrieve. This is either configured in the server/client configuration or in a configuration found at runtime.
        The requested plugin instance. The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the plugin type is not configured for the designated object,
        • the plugin is not configured properly,
        • the plugin is to be used as a runtime plugin but the designated object does not allow for runtime plugins,
        • the plugin is to be used as a runtime plugin but it is not found,
        • the creation or the initialisation of the plugin instance fails,
        a ServiceNotKnownException wrapping a ConfigurationException will be thrown.
      • getService

        public <T extends ADEPT2Service> T getService​(SessionToken session,
                                                      String serviceName,
                                                      Class<T> serviceType)
                                               throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Returns the designated service which is either a local service or a service stub that is retrieved from the global registry if the service is not known to this registry but to the global registry.
        Specified by:
        getService in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the requested service. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and either interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        serviceName - The hierarchical instance name of the service.
        serviceType - The type of the requested service. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and the interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        The requested service (or a service stub). The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • the service is not configured properly,
        • the service cannot be created or started,
        • a required service is not configured properly or cannot be started,
        • the creation of a required service object fails,
        • the service does not fulfill the ADEPT2Service -interface appropriately,
        • an exception is thrown while creating or starting a required service,
        a ServiceNotKnownException will be thrown. This may encapsulate a ConfigurationException or an AbortServiceException.
      • getService

        public <T extends ADEPT2Service> T getService​(SessionToken session,
                                                      URI[] serviceURIs,
                                                      Class<T> serviceType)
                                               throws ServiceNotKnownException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Retrieves the service described by the URIs which is either a local service stub that is retrieved from the global registry if the service is not known to this registry but to the global registry. An appropriate URI will be chosen, that is, a URI with a protocol supported by this registry.
        Specified by:
        getService in interface ServiceAccess
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the requested service. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and either interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        session - The session which is used to check for access rights on this method.
        serviceURIs - The URIs of the service to be retrieved, the array has to contain at least one valid service URI.
        serviceType - The type of the requested service. This is a subtype of ADEPT2Service and the interface configured for the service type or a super type hereof.
        The requested service (or a service stub). The object is never null.
        ServiceNotKnownException - If
        • no appropriate communication service is available for the designated URIs,
        • the service is not configured properly,
        • the service cannot be created or started,
        • a required service is not configured properly or cannot be started,
        • the creation of a required service object fails,
        • the service does not fulfill the ADEPT2Service -interface appropriately,
        • an exception is thrown while creating or starting a required service,
        a ServiceNotKnownException will be thrown. This may encapsulate a ConfigurationException or an AbortServiceException.
      • getSecurityManager

        public SecurityManager getSecurityManager()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the security manager of the system. This allows for authenticating users.
        Specified by:
        getSecurityManager in interface Registry
        The security manager of the system for authenticating users.
      • isEarlyService

        public boolean isEarlyService()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets whether the service using this registry is an early service and thus uses the local security manager first. This means, that the service will have to re-authenticate after the global security manager has been set which in turn means changing the session factory while running.
        Specified by:
        isEarlyService in interface Registry
        Whether the service using this registry is an early service and thus uses the local security manager first.
      • getClusterName

        public String getClusterName()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the name of the cluster this registry and the using service belong to. Use this name for identification purpose across clusters.
        Specified by:
        getClusterName in interface Registry
        The name of the cluster this registry and the using service belong to.
      • getUniqueNodeName

        public String getUniqueNodeName()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the unique name of the node this registry and the using service belong to. Use this name for identification across started platforms.
        Specified by:
        getUniqueNodeName in interface Registry
        The unique name of the node this registry and the using service belong to.
      • getRelease

        public SerialisablePair<String,​String> getRelease()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the release of the bootstrap registry, that is, the build version and the build date.
        Specified by:
        getRelease in interface Registry
        The build version and the build date of the bootstrap registry.
      • getInstanceName

        public String getInstanceName()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the hierarchical instance name of the service using this registry. Do not use this name for accessing the registry. If you need to do this, you are doing something wrong. Use this name for identification purpose like logging of the service.
        Specified by:
        getInstanceName in interface Registry
        The hierarchical instance name of the service using this registry for identification purpose like logging.
      • getGlobalSequence

        public AtomicLong getGlobalSequence​(String seqName)
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets the sequence of the designated name. This sequence is platform-wide (i. e. bound to the running BPM platform/JVM) and may be shared among several service instances and even service types.
        Specified by:
        getGlobalSequence in interface Registry
        seqName - The name of the platform-wide sequence. This name is arbitrary but should be shared among the services that share the sequence.
        An atomic long representing the designated sequence.
      • registryActive

        public boolean registryActive()
        Description copied from interface: Registry
        Gets whether the underlying registry is active, that is, it has signalled its start and is not being shut down.
        Specified by:
        registryActive in interface Registry
        Whether the underlying registry is active, that is, it has signalled its start and is not being shut down.
      • getHierarchicalInstanceName

        public String getHierarchicalInstanceName​(String componentType,
                                                  String simpleName)
        Description copied from interface: NameResolution
        Returns a hierarchical instance name containing the component type as well as the instance name. The returned string resembles, for instance, /ProcessManager/PM1.
        Specified by:
        getHierarchicalInstanceName in interface NameResolution
        componentType - The type of the component to create the hierarchical name for.
        simpleName - The simple name of the component instance as defined in the configuration.
        An instance name containing the component type and the simple component instance name.
      • getSimpleInstanceName

        public String getSimpleInstanceName​(String instName)
        Description copied from interface: NameResolution
        Returns the simple name of the designated component instance as used in configuration files.
        Specified by:
        getSimpleInstanceName in interface NameResolution
        instName - The hierarchical name of a component instance.
        The simple name without the prepending type of the component instance.
      • getComponentType

        public String getComponentType​(String instName)
        Description copied from interface: NameResolution
        Returns the name of the component type of the designated component instance as used in configuration files.
        Specified by:
        getComponentType in interface NameResolution
        instName - The hierarchical name of a component instance.
        The name of the component type.
      • getNames

        public Pair<String,​String> getNames​(String instName)
        Description copied from interface: NameResolution
        Gets the component type name and the simple instance name of the designated component instance at once.
        Specified by:
        getNames in interface NameResolution
        instName - The hierarchical name of a component instance.
        The name of the component type and the simple name of the designated component instance.
      • getFormattedSignature

        public String getFormattedSignature​(Class<?>[] parameterTypes)
        Description copied from interface: NameResolution
        Helper method for getting a string describing the parameter types as method signature for use in log messages and exceptions.
        Specified by:
        getFormattedSignature in interface NameResolution
        parameterTypes - All the parameter types of a method as instances of Class.
        A string describing the parameter types as method signature (concatenated and surrounded by parenthesis).
      • getInterfaceForComponentType

        public Class<?> getInterfaceForComponentType​(String componentType)
                                              throws ConfigurationException
        Description copied from interface: ServiceAccess
        Returns the class object of the corresponding interface / superclass, if the component type is declared. If not, the method throws a ConfigurationException. This method must not to be called by clients; it is only for the registry and the communication framework.
        Specified by:
        getInterfaceForComponentType in interface ServiceAccess
        componentType - The name of the component type of which to retrieve the configured interface.
        The class object of the corresponding interface / superclass.
        ConfigurationException - If the designated component type is not configured for this registry, a ConfigurationException will be thrown.