Class GlobalRegistryCache

  • public class GlobalRegistryCache
    extends Object
    A cache for all information from the global registry to prevent expensive look-ups in the global registry. Users should invalidate the local URIs of a service in case they find it to be invalid.
    • Field Detail

      • nameLocalUris

        protected final Map<Pair<String,​String>,​List<URI>> nameLocalUris
        The mapping from service name (type and instance name) to the corresponding locally exported URIs.
      • nameGlobalUris

        protected final Map<Pair<String,​String>,​List<URI>> nameGlobalUris
        The mapping from service name (type and instance name) to the corresponding globally exported URIs. These are not invalidated.
      • globalLocalUris

        protected final Map<List<URI>,​List<URI>> globalLocalUris
        The mapping from global service URIs to the corresponding locally exported URIs.
      • globalNames

        protected final Map<URI,​Pair<String,​String>> globalNames
        The mapping from each global URI to the corresponding service name. These are not invalidated.
      • lock

        protected final ReadWriteLock lock
        The lock for synchronising access to the data structures.
    • Constructor Detail

      • GlobalRegistryCache

        public GlobalRegistryCache()
        Creates a new cache with empty data structures.
    • Method Detail

      • publishService

        public void publishService​(String servType,
                                   String servName,
                                   List<URI> globUris,
                                   List<URI> locUris)
        Adds the designated service information to the cache. This is called right after a service has been published in the global registry.
        servType - The service type name of the published service.
        servName - The (simple) name of the published service.
        globUris - The URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry).
        locUris - The URIs the service has been exported locally.
      • renew

        public void renew​(String servType,
                          String servName,
                          List<URI> locUris)
        Renews the locally exported URIs of the designated service identified by its name. This only works for a published service.
        servType - The service type name of the published service.
        servName - The (simple) name of the published service.
        locUris - The URIs the service has been exported locally.
      • renew

        public void renew​(List<URI> globUris,
                          List<URI> locUris)
        Renews the locally exported URIs of the designated service identified by its global URIs. This only works for a published service.
        globUris - The URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry).
        locUris - The URIs the service has been exported locally.
      • addAndRenew

        public void addAndRenew​(URI globUri,
                                List<URI> locUris)
        Adds the locally exported URIs of the designated service identified by one of its global URIs and renews the local URIs. This only works for a published service.
        globUri - One of the URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry).
        locUris - The URIs the service has been exported locally.
      • getGlobalServiceUris

        public List<URI> getGlobalServiceUris​(String servType,
                                              String servName)
        Gets the URIs with which the designated service can be reached globally (via the global registry). This only works for a published service.
        servType - The service type name of the published service for which to get its global URIs.
        servName - The (simple) name of the published service for which to get its global URIs.
        The URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry). If the service is not known, null will be returned.
      • getLocalServiceUris

        public List<URI> getLocalServiceUris​(String servType,
                                             String servName)
        Gets the URIs with which the designated service has been exported locally. This only works for a published service.
        servType - The service type name of the published service for which to get its local URIs.
        servName - The (simple) name of the published service for which to get its local URIs.
        The URIs the service has been exported locally. If the service is not known, null will be returned.
      • getLocalServiceUris

        public List<URI> getLocalServiceUris​(List<URI> globUris)
        Gets the URIs with which the designated service has been exported locally. This only works for a published service.
        globUris - The URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry).
        The URIs the service has been exported locally. If the service is not known, null will be returned.
      • getLocalServiceUris

        public List<URI> getLocalServiceUris​(URI globUri)
        Gets the URIs with which the designated service has been exported locally. This only works for a published service.
        globUri - One of the URIs of a service that can be reached globally (via the global registry).
        The URIs the service has been exported locally. If the service is not known, null will be returned.
      • invalidateUri

        public void invalidateUri​(URI globUri)
        Invalidates the local URIs of the service with the designated global URI and removes them from this cache.
        globUri - One of the URIs of a service which that can be reached globally (via the global registry) and of which to remove its local URIs from this cache.
      • invalidateService

        public void invalidateService​(String servType,
                                      String servName)
        Invalidates the local URIs of the designated service and removes them from this cache.
        servType - The service type name of the published service of which to remove its local URIs from this cache.
        servName - The (simple) name of the published service of which to remove its local URIs from this cache.
      • invalidateService

        public void invalidateService​(List<URI> globUris)
        Invalidates the local URIs of the service with the designated global URIs and removes them from this cache.
        globUris - The URIs the service can be reached globally (via the global registry) and of which to remove its local URIs from this cache.
      • invalidateAll

        public void invalidateAll()
        Invalidates all local URIs in this cache.